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Member Since:Feb 02, 2016
26 MS Points
A fun loving person who loves to explore things and meet new people. Loves to socialize and has a keen interest for writing thoughts. mouthshut has given me a platform to share my views and opinions on various things I have experienced in life and I hope you all would also love my opinions which will help you in some way in future.
About Me
Education: B.Tech and M.Tech (mechanical with spl. in design
Food and Drinks: roasted chicken, pizza, pastasMovie Stars: akshay kumarMovies: Don2, garam masala, nayak, baby, airliftT.V. Shows: sherlock holmes, prison break, breaking badMusic: david guetta albums, hardwell tracks etc etc.
Food and Drinks: roasted chicken, pizza, pastas
Movie Stars: akshay kumar
Movies: Don2, garam masala, nayak, baby, airlift
T.V. Shows: sherlock holmes, prison break, breaking bad
Music: david guetta albums, hardwell tracks etc etc.
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Pathetic administration and conditions
Reviewed Gautam Buddha University
I am third year student here pursuing my b.tech from mechanical. The college is probably one of the biggest in north, around 511 acres of campus, but the admiRead more...
The most amazing and royal bike
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet 350
This is the most traditional and royal bike of india. I would recommend black colour, as it shows its grace in black. The kick might appear a bit hard to starRead more...
Sleek, stylish, attractive... but no quality
Reviewed Acer Aspire V5 571G Laptop
Its been 2 years almost now since I am using this laptop now. So I believe I have all the proper experience on it. The laptop looks like an ultrabook, very tRead more...
Can't get better than this in 7000
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 2 Prime
Xiaomi is coming up fast in the Indian markets nd will soon takeover the big brands of India. For all those who consider it Chinese, I would like to share somRead more...
Overall a nice, stylish and luxurious car
Reviewed Honda City 1.5 Exi
We have purchased honda city in august last year from ring road honda in new Delhi. Trust me guys, honda is what it has earned. A nice, luxurious car with peRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed amrita
Commented on rimjhim45's review
thanx for the info babe..
Rated on rimjhim45's review
Rated on rs7877763051's review
Commented on rs7877763051's review
very good bike
Followed ajeet15 , hetul , iamthewalrus
Commented on sudhirdzires's review
very truue review
Rated on sudhirdzires's review
Rated on karthikraz9715's review
Commented on karthikraz9715's review
very nice review
Followed rimjhim45
Rated on elegantguyankur's review
Commented on elegantguyankur's review
thanks for reviewing
Commented on rohit2206's review
thanks for the detailed info
Rated on rohit2206's review
Rated on ajinkeya123's review
Commented on ajinkeya123's review
thnks a lot
Commented on for_frendz's review
must have been a bad day
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