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Member Since:Aug 20, 2009
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Bring Back H.A.L
Reviewed Bengaluru International Airport - Bangalore
Going through the international airport at Bangalore is worse than pulling teeth. The staff are like villagers and the airport is run like some badly organizeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on trudth999's review
I think I am beginning to agree with point of view. Kingfisher and jet in fact charge more and the services are similar to a low cost airline. Spicejet alteast charges you less and then you know what to expect. One does not feel cheated.
Rated on trudth999's review
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Sounds like a very dark movie. Not sure if it will entertain or depress
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Commented on debasis.nanda07's review
When a company is unable to retain its employees, it means something is amiss. You should think twice now itself before proceeding too much ahead with the deal.
Rated on debasis.nanda07's review
Rated on jayne02's review
Commented on jayne02's review
I agree with you completely. The standards have fallen like anything. I remember the days when they used to greet first class passengers by their name. All the good people have either got promoted for left for greener pastures and sorry to say but the new guys are just not upto it.
Rated on sreeganeshraj's review
Rated on tradermexico's review
Commented on tradermexico's review
Sorry for the rating, but it has to be much more detailed than this.
Commented on ankit57's review
Most people do not bother to report/follow up on these things. I am glad that you have. Some one has to bring them to book.
Rated on ankit57's review
Rated on Socrates's review
Commented on cdswamy's review
You should give a few more details. The review is too sparse. Anyhow congrats on the first review.
Rated on cdswamy's review
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