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Member Since:Jan 02, 2016
678 MS Points
I study in Bharti vidyapeeth institute of ingeneering.my course is electronics and telecommunicitaion.I am 17 years old.
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Overall a good phone....
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
Hii guys as you know that know a days many mobile phones are lacking from battery life as there processors are very good then also there is some point of dissRead more...
Excellent mobile in this price range.....
Reviewed Coolpad Dazen Note 3
First of all I will tell you the specs of the mobile. MT6753 1.3 GHz mediatek processor which is 64 bit enabled. It has 3 gb ram and 16 gb rom. It has 5.5 inRead more...
Excellent car....
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
My father have been using this car since 5 years as we bought it in 2010 and now also it runs very smoothly without any issues. As we already know that marutRead more...
Its a good looking bike
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 150 F
As you know that mainly bajajs discover versions are made for high milege and durability.But this is the bike with whole new looks.Its looks are very agRead more...
Flipcarts advantages and disadvantages.
Reviewed Flipkart
I have bought plenty of products from flipcart that is I am going to write some advantages and disadvantages. First of all the most important thing is that fRead more...
Amazon is just awesome......
Reviewed Amazon
Hi guys today I will tell you some pros and cons about amazon which is the most popular shopping center for all those who love to do shopping. Pros-Its packaRead more...
Best looking phone....
Reviewed OnePlus X
First of all I will tell you that this mobile costs only?17000 with stopnotch specification.This phone comes with 2.3 ghz qualcomm snapdragon processor.which Read more...
Its was a nice mobile.....
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy E7
My father buyed this mobile phone in april.at that time it was a great device now also it is very nice but it is priced very high for its specifications. ForRead more...
Best mobile phone......
Reviewed OnePlus 1
I had purchased this mobile in may.And before buying I had many questions because that time two mobile where at competetion one is this mobile and another wasRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on abhimanyubhagwati's review
Nice review but this specs which yiu have written, we can know from any where so you dont have tp mention it and make the review lengthy unnecessarily.
Rated on abhimanyubhagwati's review
Rated on njsingh14's review
Rated on roshanparmar07's review
Rated on simabendave1972's review
Commented on pathakj999's review
Yaa nice cooler
Rated on pathakj999's review
Commented on Nag?ndraSinghĂťadav's review
It is best and will be the best.
Rated on Nag?ndraSinghĂťadav's review
Commented on dakshp's review
Nice review bro
Rated on dakshp's review
Commented on sunpat1985's review
This scooter is not that nice.
Rated on sunpat1985's review
Commented on chahalsharma45's review
Review is good and I like the band
Rated on chahalsharma45's review
Commented on RahulZala's review
Its my favourite car.
Rated on RahulZala's review
Commented on bhavsar258's review
Kadak phone I like it
Commented on hhusainn's review
Very informative reviee
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