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Member Since:Sep 09, 2009
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Please clarify me regarding this
Reviewed City Limouzines
Hi Friends does any one have the update of Todays case of City Real com... Today was the final hearing at Bombay High Court. I am one of the investor at Hyd.Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sursuvi's review
Hi Friends, Make sure that your cars which are registered in your name must be owned by you or file a case of Car stolen immediately. If not if any thing wrong goes like Accident etc, the Indian police and Court, the blood suckers in India will not leave even a single drop of your blood. Blood re Read More...
Commented on lucky7866's review
Hi Lex thanks for the response. Just thought to check up. Its very difficult for every one to go to Mumbai from diff states. But if very much necessary would go because I want my Money back. Its not a small amount to forgot. So was very much tensed to check up. People from Hyd, its a kind request to Read More...
Hi Any one from Hyd got this Proxy form. I have not got any nor heard from any one from Hyd.
Commented on jollyboy_m's review
Are Masood Bhai, Please try to close the case by throwing 55,000 to his face. If you don't want to give. Deduct Rs100 from each of the customer and give it. I am very much sure that none of them will complaint for deducting the amount. Lakhs of them are suffering for one stupid.
Commented on CITIINVESTOR's review
(or) Cities Lawyer – who has suggested such a scheme. If I was asked to guess, I hope he is the culprit here who as brought such a stupid scheme in front of us (may be involved is Masood also). Friends I am also an investor, My parents have also invested and even my self. My parents after ret Read More...
4. Did Mr. Massod tell this that he didn’t have money to continue the scheme. It is always told that this is high courts decision to revise the schemes. I don’t find any revision of the schemes. Here we are cheated. 5. Most of them are discussing about Citi Limouzines and Citi Real com properties. Read More...
Hi Udit and Vivek, There is some point to think what citi investor has told. As citi has given written bonds for 5 yrs payment for our investment of certain amount, each and every one have calculated the interest amount that we are going to get for the whole 5 years. For eg if we have invested 1, Read More...
Commented on ComboInvestor's review
Hi Mr Ram, I had been reading all the comments regularly. But have never heard that a Hyd Association was formed as it was in case of chenni and Bangalore. All of the sudden you mentioned about it and asked for details. I too want my money back. I wanted the issue to be solved without creating an Read More...
When did this welfare Association form can you please let every one know. Not sure if we are providing the details to correct person.
Commented on udit.delhi's review
Surprising, Eery one know that ONE CHUTIYA has put case, every ones money got blocked. Now too many CHUTIYAS have put case, Ohh God what to do. U people don't try tounderstand these small things. The Advacates who has invested he him is asking to put a case. I hope he want to fight the case. So he i Read More...
Commented on s.chinna's review
EOW ka duti vahi hai. Is liye HYD logoko case ka sara details puch rahe hai. Unko kisi bhi tarah company ko bandh karna hai. Uske liye cases nahi mil rahe hai. Hyd logoko cases ke liye bhik mang rahe hai.
Commented on khushi208's review
It is very Pity that EOW is asking Public Help to provide details to fix CITY in many cases. They are only CHUTIYAS for creating all problems. They wanted to prove them self SMART by our Help. I am very much sure they couldn't find any thing wrong with the company. So they are asking the investors t Read More...
Commented on sonu151981's review
Hi Sonu, I too wanted to give my contact details. Only scared if my family guys sees my number and my parents will know, they will feel bad. I don't want to see them sad in their last stages. I have taken loan and invested this amount. They are not aware of it. IF any thing goes wrong then I will Read More...
This is a smart move. I am also with you all.
Commented on venkata12's review
If he doesn't tell Masood is fraud, then every one will kick him. Every one will start asking the reason for delaying? Its now EOW that is delaying and creating problem. Every one knows. If you send Hyd case to them, then they will take more time and create problem. Court is telling to get together Read More...
Hi Srinivas did you get any more updates. Could you reach Daule.
Commented on seeyesrao's review
I hope you woke up very early. Are you reading comments. The Office is closed since 4 days I know. Because of the behavior of some of the angry investors very offices have been shut down. They are beating up the employees over there. In that case which employer will come to office for getting beaten Read More...
Commented on own review
Are Manohar, I even know this I am not panic on office being closed as I had that news before only. But only concern is the dates. I am going on getting different dates. 1 date is given and we are waiting for it. After the day comes it is getting postponed and a new date is ready for us. As some Read More...
Commented on yogesh_arora's review
Hi city investor, pls email me will send my contact information.
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