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Member Since:Feb 28, 2008
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Moviemart.in closed in Mumbai
Reviewed Moviemart
Hi, I totally agree with all the others that moviemarts service is good. But there is surely a problem with the availability of new titles. My worry is Read more...
Money losing machines
Reviewed BigFlix
All these big chain and online rentals are running into huge losses. The quality of service is also pathetic. So many of them have already closed(cinesprite.cRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on pclinton's review
Commented on own review
precisely.. that's the mistake these people are also making.. they think they can deliver movies like they deliver newspapers.. anyway.. if you get a chance just ask one of the bigflicks or seventymm delivery-guys how many deliveries they do in one day and then u will know. if u think a 5000 or 6000 Read More...
first thing.. labour being cheap should be viewed in the context of the business and of the prices being charged for the service. salary of a decent home-delivery person in india today is around rs. 6000 which works out to around 9000 in terms of cost to company.. add to that about 4000 per person p Read More...
Commented on adityat's review
hey aditya, u must get you entire money back. go after them with all ur might.. write official letters and emails with the complete description and they will be forced to refund your money. great that u warned everyone of the pathetic service quality of bigflix and reliance entertainment.
Rated on adityat's review
Hey Spikeguard, it does not help to get emotional in business. The ground realities in India and in the US are very different. The movies over there are delivered by the US postal system which is very reliable and so the overheads are quite low. About the Indian Postal system, the less said the bett Read More...
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