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Member Since:Mar 31, 2006
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Its ok.
Reviewed Live
Windows Live Mail is in Beta satge. This is provided to current hotmail users, from microsoft. The service is average. Here I am just discussing some of its fRead more...
Still Rocking! Months and months of rocking!
Reviewed Rang De Basanti Songs
This wonderful album is still rocking the world! Its almost 4-5 months since Rang de... music album was released. And this is still topping the various chartRead more...
A magazine one should subscribe regularly
Reviewed Digit
DIGIT is a very good technology magazine brought to us by Jasubhai company. It is really good and is available in the stands for Rs.125 in India. The best pRead more...
Cheap and good Light-use printer
Reviewed HP Deskjet 3940
HP 3940, is one of the cheapest inkjet printers available today. Though it is cheap, it is good. It has a true value for money. The Design : Dimensions: w/dRead more...
A good starter camera
Reviewed Olympus C-370 Zoom
The Olympus C-370 is a three megapixel digital camera with a 3x optical zoom lens. The zoom is equivalent to a 38 - 114mm lens in a 35mm film camera. The entrRead more...
Kenya! A nice place.
Reviewed Nairobi
Kenya would be truly a great place if it improves on few aspects like security and public transport. The govt. of Kenya is working on them and the situation iRead more...
Pink Panther - A great movie
Reviewed The Pink Panther
This movie pink panther is really too good. A must watch. I have not seen a movie like this anytime recently. Looking for a good funnyRead more...
Features sound good but design doesnt
Reviewed Nokia N91
Well, as suggested by the title of my review, this phone is impressive (feature wise) yet puts you down (designs not so great). This is what I think after looRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on youandme's review
Commented on shilpa_2's review
Nice review. I think what you say is right. Deserved people are losing out. I think that 'the public is not good' to good singers. It looks like public is biased. I was thinking that Rahul Vaidya would win in the first edition. In second one, Panna and Karunya were good. I would say they are u Read More...
Rated on shilpa_2's review
Commented on c_anup1990's review
hi anup gud review. keep it up. keep writing. your friend,vishnu.
Rated on c_anup1990's review
Rated on smisbahuddin's review
Commented on smisbahuddin's review
That was a wonderful review on Access by you. I too use Microsoft Access, and I find it easy to work with basic things. But, as rightly said by you, it requires skills to perform complicated stuff. Keep writing and help people like me with such reviews! -Vishnu
Followed c_anup1990
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Aaditya Sain (@SimplilearnMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anuj Sharma (@biggi15MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nimrit Kaur (@kaurnimritkaurMouthShut Verified Member)
Om Singh Knowledge Tank (@omsingh1553526MouthShut Verified Member)
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