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Member Since:Sep 15, 2009
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Situation is worst in Hyderabad
Reviewed City Limouzines
Hi All, I am also one of the investor from Hyderabad. I have invested 2 realcom in November 2008. 8 cheques were cleared with out fail and from 2 months theRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rajasagar's review
This is **cking connection.Never go for this. I am personally encountering lot of issues. I have called customer care for 15 times, they say 24 hours and after one month also still there is no rectification. Really **cking service.
Commented on sindbad820's review
imaginations 1971, i am also with you i am also an investor in bangalore. you can pls mail me to prasadvidala8@gmail.com
Rated on VonG's review
Commented on VonG's review
Just wait & watch the practise of Mr Masood & Co. use to be rob Peter to pay to Paul,now all the schemes have stopped, the flow of money has dried up un-lucky innocent persons like you will suffer maximum, lets hope for the best
Commented on smu_mba's review
i have invested 5L in august 2008 and got 10 cheques cleared. but still i did not yet receive my principal amount also even can i go for this ?
Commented on PCJAIN's review
i did not undertsnad this can u pls clearly explain me
Commented on Vijay1234567's review
neha, who said that stock market is down. it is 150 points up today pls dont give fake news and make ppl tense
Commented on seeyesrao's review
this information was very useful to investors molder78 thanks for that
Rated on seeyesrao's review
Rated on city_reality's review
Commented on city_reality's review
where will you goto when there is no one in office, there is no one to respond you over there who said that he is going to abroad ? there is case logged on him and they said that the chairman cannot leave abroad.
Rated on aakashkasar's review
Commented on aakashkasar's review
this is really waste suggestion no party will support us. this is fact
Commented on vinny1612's review
vinny, i expect the information will not be more till atleast till oct 2nd week
cityinvestor, pls stop this noncense how many times and for how many reviews would you say the same message
Commented on own review
cityinvestor, why do u give that many comments of same text and also same text for different reviews
Rated on vinny1612's review
the office in hyderabad are closed since 12th sept bcs lot of angry investors were fighting with the city limouzined staff. thats the reason manager vikas asked the staff to leave and he messaged the staff that dont come to office unless the problem is solved. i heard this only from hyderabad as m Read More...
Rated on the_smart_javed's review
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