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Member Since:Aug 23, 2005
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. Reading, Motorcycling, Computers, 3D Modelling & Animation, Photography
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Education: College
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2 months with the Pulsar 220 DTS-i
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220
*Introduction. I had a hearty laugh with my friends the day I heard that the oh-so-mighty Pulsar 220, was being down-graded to use a carburetor for its next iRead more...
Wear A Helmet! You NUT!
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
Ive written this in response to acertain article which doesnt quite agree with what Im pretty sure about. Lets dispell a fRead more...
Your very own Photo Lab!
Reviewed Canon Pixma MP800
First of all, lets take a few things as a given. One. You have a lot of money lying around. Two. You are a prolific photographer/designer. And finally, Read more...
The NEW Unicorn - Early Impressions
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
First of all, Id like you all to know that this is my first review, and that I bought the HONDA Unicorn (11/11/05, CBF150M Electric Start) only after MURead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@tommcat All right, I'll list down some pro-s and con-s. Pro-s: The three 'major' quality issues I talked of in the review have totally disappeared (four services finished now). No starting trouble, no sign of rusting anywhere, and no vibes while revving up. Looks like the service people at my Read More...
@shashi_m8 The sales guy doesn't sound too bright. No one in their right mind would compare the 220 will the 150. The former is leagues ahead in most every way - and that includes comfort, unless you personally prefer the commuter position of the 150... :-| Besides, enjoyable touring / long di Read More...
Rated on robinsmith's review
Commented on robinsmith's review
Posting manufacturer's press release doesn't qualify as a review. Its plagiarism, silly, and pointless, to boot.
Rated on christin.shelly's review
Commented on christin.shelly's review
Wrong section, and sounds like a commercial. Please write about 'your' experience, not what the manufacturer claims it can do. Do write more!
@gopal_bikerz Well, yes, the bike's design is common across the entire Pulsar range. But then, they all have the same name, don't they? The highest end-pulsar is the best looking one in the family... makes perfect sense to me! Besides, 'everyone' knows that the 'looks' of a bike matter only un Read More...
Commented on jarulprakash743896's review
Good first effort. :-) But we're more interested in, is what 'you' think about your bike rather than what the manufacturers have to say it offers. More feeling. Less specifications. :-)
Rated on jarulprakash743896's review
Rated on y-nots.rahul's review
Commented on y-nots.rahul's review
I feel so sorry for that Unicorn. My condolences to the respected vehicle.
Ran into the 7.5k character limit. Had to delete the para about fuel efficiency to make it fit. Sad. :-| Anyway, I get somewhere between 35 - 45 kmpl depending on how I treated the bike during the last run. ;-) Which is more than enough, by my standards, for the sort of performance it offers, tha Read More...
Rated on dwij's review
Rated on shrayank.srivastav's review
Rated on psundar_mca's review
Rated on prsdkulkarni's review
Rated on orion_the_hunter's review
Rated on devdon's review
Rated on sandy76's review
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