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Member Since:Feb 17, 2011
8 MS Points
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Fraud online
Reviewed Edeal
I was about to order battery charger for my camera. Before that I called them, while taking I found they are not professionals like Flipkart or Sulekha. ThenRead more...
Nokia E63 - Provides what I want.
Reviewed Nokia E63
Hi, I am writing this review after using this phone for 11 months. I have white color Nokia E-63, it cost me 9800INR including 8 GB memory card(1 GB returnedRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on am1978's review
Commented on paranj000's review
copy pasted review.. Original post: http://auto.ndtv.com/reviews/maruti-suzuki-baleno-review-1231897
Rated on gamil's review
Commented on gamil's review
very less content about car
Commented on yash2712's review
Original content at http://auto.ndtv.com/reviews/maruti-suzuki-baleno-review-1231897
Rated on yash2712's review
Rated on svcooldude007's review
Commented on svcooldude007's review
Driving experience missing.
Rated on muddassirahmed's review
Commented on muddassirahmed's review
Poor headline. Only written a little bit about interior. Nothing mentioned about performance, look, comparison with other cars. Pros cons missing. overall poor review.
Commented on aravindeee2's review
@rkmp_mba2004: I am wondering if you are true then why would someone from Honda will write: 'Cons: Service centres are poor' in Review Details??
Commented on ZubairMS123's review
@ZubairMS123: So are not letting your bike to warm up. so please use choke for first 500mt and don't forget to release it later. It will give you smooth ride like never.
Commented on svkvikram's review
'gear system is very tight, its hard to change the gear.' -- Plz show it to good mechanic at service center. You may have received some faulty part. I can challenge no other bike in 150cc segment have better and smooth gear box than Unicorn. You can uplift gears without wearing even slipper or shoe Read More...
Commented on cjarunsathya26's review
For Unicorn company claims 60kmpl not sure how you are getting 70. 'Nearly 50-80% complaints r both low pick up'- -> Compared to pulsar its low but definately not that low. Remember Unicorn is not a sports bike but it can easily speed upto 90kmph. and 60kmph in just less than 7 sec. , vibra Read More...
Rated on lohtih1's review
Commented on pavan1649's review
Pavan you said 'I didn’t get battery pre-installed, They charged it and arranged it to my bike on next day'. You mean you have to pay extra to buy a battery? Dude every bike comes with battery preinstalled by showroom but not by company. Company sends bike and battery separately to showroom. Befor Read More...
Commented on ursmdnpavna's review
You can try Orange Honda Tolichowki, Near Mehdipatnam Hyderabad. They starts taking bikes for servicing at 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM. At any Honda showroom you can ask for service in your presence. I have noticed Orange honda is also not the best one. But if you order them strictly they do good service. Read More...
Commented on amit26585's review
If your daily run is just 2-3 kms then plz go for 100cc bike like passion. Its not like that 100cc bikes are only good for 2-3 kms..you can use it for longer distance too but personally I feel it will be wastage of your money in purchasing a 150cc bike for just 2-3 kms. One more funny fact is Un Read More...
Rated on supertamilking's review
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