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Member Since:Oct 17, 2004
0 MS Points
<i>[Contd. from above]</i> <b>Contrary to what some very jerky people would like to believe... </b> I'm not hiding from anybody. Don't have a need for that. It's just that if I go come out in the open... like say ''I'm the same person known as so-and-so''... that kills the entire purpose of starting over anew. So anyone is welcome to attempt to find me out. Many people here are clever enough to do that. Send me an M2M and if you're correct I won't lie (however if you aren't, you don't get the right answer) <b>About M2Ms</b> My old self used to be regularly driven up the wall by junk like ''Hi this is Ajay'' or ''Wanna be friends?'' I <b>never</b> replied those and won't ever either. SO junkpeople, please keep off me. <i>When I'm insane I'm dangerous</i>... Other M2Ms are <b>totally </b>welcome. I look forward to them everyday... no, really! Even the shitbags. It's interesting to learn how differently each human mind works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <b>About my reviews<b> The reviews are written by a young city vampire -a very spirited and very brave and yet thoughtful persona. She is <i>not</i> me, although often the two identities merge. The very autobiographical Rock Songs review isn't <i>my</i> autobiography either, although... you guessed it... there are similarities. To all the dumbasses who're ignorant enough not to know and also jerky enough to leave rude comments (intended to only those who're both) - this is called <i>roleplaying</i>. . <i>It's a funny world, and I smirk at the irony it presents...</i> Yes I've been there, done that. I've been at MouthShut before. Different id, probably different personality also. I put an end to that chapter and moved on. <b>And why?</b> Because it all gets monotonous after a while. The recognition, the identity, even the being typecast. I refuse to follow the footsteps of boring old ladies who RRC away with a religiousness as if their life depends on it. I read about 30 reviews a day, of which I rate about 15, and comment in about 5-6. <b>The underdog and the rebel ...</b> Being popular - who cares about that shit? I'd rather throw all that away and fill myself with fresh blood again. The adrenaline rush of the struggle, the journey to glory, the addictive effect of blood, sweat and tears ... <i>Ah unpredictability! Surround me, embrace me, immerse me, seep into my soul ...</i>
About Me
Education: is shit, 'knowledge' is what matters
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Addicted to booze, drugs, dreams... Rock?
Reviewed Twenty Best Rock Songs
Rock music? aah? my bliss, my comfort, my salvation? the only thread from my early life that I still religiously cling on to? the spirit that fuels my damagedRead more...
JohnnyDepp, blood hangover & a cobwebbed nigh
Reviewed Dracula
Never before had I gone through such a phase of religious-mindedness. Never cared to read the Bible, our Bible. I ? the thoughtless, happy-go-lucky young vampRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on amitgoelnow's review
Commented on Aviendha's review
'How ironic was that?' - Isn't it pretty ironic that we want to kill off the hopeful being within ourselves, prepare ourselves for the worst rather than the best - and all this in the name of 'being happy'? I guess all of us should at some point of time leave our daily cynical being in the close Read More...
Rated on Aviendha's review
Commented on own review
Thanx for commenting. The review is not my autobiography, well... not completely, you see? You'll find the explanation for that if you look at the last part of my profile page (just the part in bolds) My youth was (is?) pretty black, though from a different angle, but I don't really want it t Read More...
Commented on buddingwriter's review
Huff... huff... Was I late? Had been really busy these days, wondering how you guessed it right! I read this one only as pastime since am yet to have a proper boss, but it was cute... especially the puppy in the basket part... I guess the same theory works for teachers. I'd try it on my princ Read More...
Rated on buddingwriter's review
Commented on mmanish's review
Funnily I haven't seen the original (a rare feat for an Indian, na?) and I'm gonna see the coloured version soon... so I needed to know the story and how the original actually feels. The feeling was given out fine in your review but the story... well... C'ya - Me
Rated on mmanish's review
Rated on juggernaut's review
Followed j_jayashri
Followed Deepshikha
Commented on nikamma1112's review
I missed the promos of this movie but somehow the gossip all around sounded like some 8th wonder of the world is bursting into scene... so it's NOT worth cutting exams for, huh? (Agle kuch din exam hi exam, no innocent 'class' to cut) Btw, I feel the same about M-e-A but that's why I'm gonna see Read More...
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Rated on jamiethelanky's review
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Rated on crazy4burman's review
Rated on rahulbhiwadi1's review
Rated on sunshine2006's review
Rated on riteshp's review
Commented on Amul's review
I've always been interested in this one guy Raghav... somehow unfortunately I've never seen his videos... But now I'm downloading (yeah right now) Let's Work It Out ... yay!!! C'ya - Me
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