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Member Since:Jan 03, 2016
586 MS Points
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Good Quality Nail Polish
Reviewed L'Oreal Nail Makeup
LORÉAL the name of the brand show the actual meaning of this product and that is real. I saw many times girls die on the LORÉAL product. As I girRead more...
Most popular crunchy chocolate
Reviewed Nestle KitKat
When I have kitkat at first time, then I can feel the antique taste of it. I dont no why but after having kitkat, it has never happen that I have any other chRead more...
Good Deodorant
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
From 2013 I had started to use the fogg deodorant . In this 3 Year it wad never happen that any deodorant is able to give satisfaction like Fogg . The fragranRead more...
The real taste of snacks.
Reviewed Lehar Kurkure
When I eas in class 4, then I was introduced with kurkure . In that time there was no many flavours in kurkure like now. But, from then till now kurkure is thRead more...
Best souce in India
Reviewed Kissan Sauce
From my childhood I had seen that my family members always purchased the kissan sauce montly. My parents always told me that to avoid the souce of fast food cRead more...
Good Jam
Reviewed Kissan Fruit Jam
Kissan fruit jam is awesome . Kissan fruit jam is oldest jam of India . Kissan fruit  jam is one of my favourite jam from my childhood . Kissan jam is very teRead more...
Triangle Love
Reviewed Sanam Re
Divya khosla kumar , Director of Sanam re movie and IÂ Â watch this movie . Its is so amazing and romantic movie . This sanam re movie of triangle love . I alwRead more...
Real example of butter
Reviewed Amul Butter
Amul butter is the best quality butter in my choice. Because, it can helps us to know about the real taste of butter. From my childhood I had known the butterRead more...
Love Bites of Dairymilk
Reviewed Cadbury Dairy Milk
I am in 19 now. From my childhood according to my memory whenever I had to ate any chocolate product then I was always prefer the Dairymilk products. So, I juRead more...
Most Popular Show
Reviewed CID Special Bureau - TV Serials Sony TV Channel
CID is the best show according to the all international hindi channel.  My age is 19 and I have watch this show from then when I was at 9. I cant believe thatRead more...
Flipkart is the best choice for online shopping.
Reviewed Flipkart
I had used flipkart  when I was in + 12. Now I am in 2nd year. But till now if I have to purchase anything from online so I always prefer flipkart. Because, tRead more...
Good product
Reviewed Lakme Insta-Liner
Lakme is one of the best national brands we have . I just love all the products of lakme . Lakme insta eye liner is the best eye liner in the market for dailyRead more...
Best service provider
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I have been using Airtel mobile sim for last 4 years. It is very good simply because network is always available. Wherever you go network is available. AirtRead more...
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Juice A77
Actually I bought this phone for my sister for 2 months . That time this phone was very famous from micromax so I bought it than after one month its started sRead more...
Great bank
Reviewed Central Bank of India
It is a goverment bank and one of the oldest and largest commercial banks in india . It was established on 21 december 1911 . Central Bank of India( cbi) is aRead more...
Elle 18 Nail Polish
Reviewed Elle 18 Nail Makeup
Hi, friends . I am jui . Today I am  writeing a review on elle18 nail paints . We girls love to colour our nails with different colours or drsign . We will tRead more...
Lib blam
Reviewed Nivea Lip Balm
Nivea lib blam is well known brand. Its good for children also. Nivea products is very old brand and products in nivea. It is such a delight product.I just lRead more...
Reviewed Bajrangi Bhaijaan
BAJRANGI BHAIJAAN is very poitive and emotional movie. Bajrangi Bhaijan directed by kabir khan one of the best movie of Bollywood of its time. This movie is fRead more...
Eye style
Reviewed Lakme Eye Makeup
Hii, I am jui. Kajol is a most foll all ladis. It altogether gives you a different look. Lakme basically has many eye mackup productes! I have been using laRead more...
Reviewed Lakme Lip Makeup
Hii, I am jui. My best friend uses lakme lipsticks and she has a lot of collection of lakme lipsticks. Lakme is one of the famous an reputed brand in India.wRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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You welcome dear
Thanks for your review .
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Thanks for review .
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Nice review thanks .
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