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Member Since:Jun 26, 2004
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Awww, just your average joe . . .who did not bother to scroll down and see this section at the Mouthshut registration page in the first go :). Many and varied. But generally dependa on my mood. Car races (not the professional ones, heh) Shooting, Flying, Movies, Reading, Partying - u name it, we got it
About Me
Education: Somewhat MBA
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Wagon R. . .Take it yaar
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
I do not drive the Wagon-R but had purchased one of the initial ones off the production lines for one of my managers. I did a test drive at that time . . .andRead more...
Reviewed Skoda Octavia 2.0 Eleg / Ambient
Well, to be honest, I bought this car because there was nothing else available at the time. I had just let go of my TATA SAFARI and wanted a replacement. And Read more...
Reviewed S. P. Jain Institute Of Management and Research - Andheri - Mumbai
SPJIMR...one of the top ten B-schools in India. . .well, supposedly. More likely, one of the top ten stamps in India. My experience was with FMB program held Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Wats happening people. . . I go wawy for a while and leave you kids alone and look wat u do!!! Start World war 3 over some guys opinion about a bucket of bolts ;) Yeah, normally one would expect an explosive reaction to the rantings of nutjobs. . .but I've had a pretty wonderful week. . .AN Read More...
Aw Yeah. . .it does sound like being cornered. . . Had a minor whirlwind going up there for a while, didnt I??! ;) Thanx pingme, for the update. Yer right, these guys ARE corrupting the spirit of the site. Mebbe one should find out their identities so one can just show up at their doorst Read More...
Buddy, ya gotta get with it here! I just spent a hell of a lot of time trying to clear the fact that BUZZWORDS ARE NOT A GREAT HELP IN MAKING THE CORRECT PURCHASE DECISION. And what was that. . .u mean that FIAT installs the gearbox, the differential and the water pump as add-ons to the car? Read More...
Commented on aditya999's review
Hey there! Do not worry about the comment above saying it was 'Not at all a review'. Thats BULL and I think the writers a disgruntled employee thats been fired from a couple of other companies and has now joined FIAT. ;) It was a nice and entertaining detail about ur experience with the ca Read More...
WHEEL HORSEPOWER is horsepower measured at the actual drive wheels, taking into account the load from the chassis and all accessories. It is the most accurate measure of the amount of energy that the car actually generates to move it forward. Because a frictional loss between the engine and the Read More...
Well, Hari, I meant to say that the tech feedback thats usually flashed in front of the consumers is a clever ploy designed by the marketers to woo the public towards their product. . . .And I for one think that we should be given more credit. Whether Palio outperforms Wagon R is not an issue Read More...
Well, deedaya m'man, I wouldnt exactly call it a failure. . .at least not anymore. When it was launched, the Wagon R was indeed a failure at the production rate of 80 vehicles a day. However, today, they are producing 350/ day and from October onwards its gonna be more than 415/ day. The in Read More...
Rated on bnd123us's review
Commented on bnd123us's review
Nice review, pal! Pretty straight forward. I like it. Yeah Maruti's phasing out the 800cc. Gradually!!! And folks can expect another decrease in ALTO pricing, methinks. Keep up the good work!! :)
ummm. . .looks like I touched a nerve there. . .are you working for PALIO?!! :) Sorry to have twisted your nibblets but its true. Even you are flashing the news of MUL vehicles having FIAT engines as if it were a badge of honor. . . .And I dont drive the Wagon R myself. I have a car, thank you Read More...
Lyla . . .thats pretty short and sweet. Would love to hear more from a mouthshut veteran. Skoda is a company out of Czechoslovakia, now owned by Volkswagon. They used to produce really bad cars but since the takeover their quality has improved 'manifold' :). In fact, after the takeover, their TV ad Read More...
Rated on dhruv_tara's review
Thanks for the comment Rama. You are so right . . .FMB participants always were and still are being taken for a ride so big that a trip to the moon seems like running to the corner grocery store. I would like to share my opinions with you: 1. Its totally okay for you to have that impression for Read More...
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