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Member Since:May 01, 2003
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Education: Graduate
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Kiss and Tale !!
Reviewed Khwahish - Bollywood
KHWAHISH CREW MEMBERS Directed by: Govind Menon Produced by : Vivek Nayak Original Music by : Milind Sagar Cinematography by : Uday Devare Film Editing Read more...
Pop, pop, who's there ??
Reviewed 100% Pop - Various Artists
Dear friends, Did not find a suitable category to fit this review into .... Nevertheless, just wish to briefly mention about the present and upcoming fate ofRead more...
Et Tu Bhoot !!
Reviewed Bhoot
Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the scariest of them all ? As Swati casually watches television, she gets a million-volt jolt when a scary fairy standsRead more...
All gas .... No substance !!
Reviewed Kangaroo Jack
Dear friends, Kangaroo Jack was inspiring. Since watching the film earlier this week, Ive written up a script of our own. No, make that five scripts wiRead more...
Shun this ....
Reviewed Pran Jaye Par Shan Na Jaye
This ones for you Sita .... as requested in Member Requests. I would not want to call it a movie review as such, coz a lotRead more...
Love On The Campus
Reviewed Ishq Vishk
Dear friends, Just saw this movie at Liberty Cinema the day before yesterday and, that too, with 2 of my female friends. None of them were the Shehnaz type tRead more...
Help Your Teenagers Become Happy Adults ....
Reviewed Parents
Dear friends, Another unconventional review, as always. The only difference this time, is that my dearest Mum and Dad decided to put in their bits and piecesRead more...
Feels Really Good !!
Reviewed Feels So Good - Atomic Kitten
One listen to the second album from the Atomic trio, and its pretty good even though they have new member Jenny Frost joining them, after Kerry left the KitteRead more...
Strictly For Lovers Only .... :)
Reviewed What My Heart Wants To Say - Gareth Gates
Gareth Gates - UKs new pop sensation, has a dramatic way of turning fantasy into delightful songs. Gates music is easy to relate to, easy on the eRead more...
Another good one from Chan's stables .... !!
Reviewed Shanghai Knights
Hi friends, Have been a little busy with a couple of courses and seminars, so havent really had time to think and write up reviews for MS. Anyways, hadRead more...
A New Address For ---- ''LUXURY''
Reviewed Australia - General
Dear friends, As always every year, I was off on a short holiday with Anant, my chum pal forever. We had been to Australia the year before last and had heardRead more...
Amazing Parsi Khana .... Simply The Best !!
Reviewed Dorabjee & Sons - Camp - Pune
DORABJEES -- A landmark shack-eatery, on Dastur Meher Road, parallel to Main Street, off M. G. Road in Pune, can seat only 30-35Read more...
South Mumbai's ''GO-KOOL'' Booze Factory
Reviewed Gokul - Colaba - Mumbai
Dear friends, A review on just about one of the favourite casual hangout for bachelors and regular office-goers in South Mumbai. GOKUL - the very smalRead more...
Best Of The World ....
Reviewed Athena Champagne - Colaba - Mumbai
Dear friends, First and foremost, please note that I am not writing this review or article keeping only in mind the night club or Read more...
Lovely Ladakh
Reviewed Ladakh
This is a review I chose to give about one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited during my earlier teen years with Mum and Dad. I tried gathering aRead more...
The Art of Storytelling ....
Reviewed Delivering an Effective Speech
I joined Mouthshut just a day ago, and I wonder why, but I have got so addicted to the idea of writing, writing and more writing. And more so, Mouthshut has iRead more...
Ergonomic Devices
Reviewed General Tips on Computers
Hello friends, Just writing a couple of lines regarding mice and keyboards. Have placed this review in theGeneral Advice on Computers category, sRead more...
Mostly Kababs, Mostly Avoidable
Reviewed Mostly Kababs - Andheri - Mumbai
A visit to Mostly Kababs, on JP Road, Andheri (W), that too, with an enormous appetite, left us coming out mostly devastated on the palate. An unassuming littRead more...
Strategies For The Summer ....
Reviewed Skin Care During Summer
Dear friends . Just a few points to enable you to beat the heat! Caps and parasols, cottons and sunglasses are all very well, but as the sun glares down withRead more...
Mouth-watering Punjabi food .... !!
Reviewed Hazara Restaurant - Sion - Mumbai
Dear friends, Being part of a family which could be termed as absolute foodies, I wish to bring to the notice of my friends, here at Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Dear MS friends, I am sorry for the 'duplicating' bit in my review titled 'Kiss and Tale.' Rather, this review has been put up on Mouthshut by my elder cousin brother, Karunesh, when I had been out of town last week. Have just got back and, to my surprise, have found out how much it has hurt all Read More...
Commented on nusrat_maikaro's review
Hi Nusrat, First and foremost, here's wishing you a warm welcome to the ever growing MS community. The reason why I rated your review as 'R' is solely because of a good effort on your behalf towards writing this review. Just hope you could be a lot more detailed and emphasise on a couple of more Read More...
Rated on nusrat_maikaro's review
Followed arunroy , juggernaut , meleahk1 , alaina , davieboy
Commented on kalil.rahman's review
Hi Kalil, First and foremost, thanks for taking my comments in the right spirit. Truthfully, I did not wish to dishearten or point out mistakes by commenting as I did earlier, just wanted to bring out a couple of points in your review, which you've accepted very well, indeed. I do agree with you Read More...
Dear friend, The review on Coimbatore is good and the place is really beautiful, no doubt about it. Just to let you know that I observed that a lot of your content was duplicated from various resources on the Internet like indiatourtravelinfo.com and coimbatore.com, especially your introductory p Read More...
Commented on nikamma1112's review
Lovely review Raj, in honour of a fabulous player !! And awesome poem too. Keep up the good work, you surely are talented. Good Luck !! Lu(v+c), Kunal
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Hi Raj, Well, first and foremost, I must agree with you that 'O Humdum Suniyo Re' is one hell of an amazing track. It is so pacy and cool .... really one of those 'kicky' numbers. Just wanted to point out that your review should have been a little more in detail as to the other songs in 'Saathiya Read More...
Commented on fountainhead_23's review
Hi Neelomi, Well, I ain't into any of these 'Gharelu' soaps any which ways, so it doesn't make any difference to me. Just that you've written a good review, very much in detail and logical. Keep up the good work. Lu(v+c), Kunal
Rated on fountainhead_23's review
Hi Neelomi, You've written a wonderful and logical review, covering all points and aspects concerning Agrawal Classes. They are truly a committed team, and work towards the success of each and every individual. Regarding the admission procedures, I think they should consider taking weaker student Read More...
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Oommen715 (@Oommen715MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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