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Member Since:Oct 01, 2011
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New Hero branded Hunk with kick start.
Reviewed Hero Honda Hunk
This is not a review of this bike but just an update I received from a showroom.I went for a test drive today (Oct 12) at a showroom in Bangalore (Tarun MotorRead more...
Docomo Wireless - ZTE MF631 USB dongle.
Reviewed Tata Docomo Wireless 3G Data Card
I see a LOT of negative feedback on TATAs wireless solutions. I would like everyone to try out TATA DOCOMOs USB 3G Card. Its awesome. Please note,Read more...
ICICI HPCL Visa Platinum Credit Card - Too Good
Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
It was sometime now I desired to get myself a credit card (after my salary hike, heehee) and I wasted no time in surveying the market for the best feedbackRead more...
Sony LCD 32BX350 - A good entry level choice
Reviewed Sony LCD KLV 32BX350
This May 2012 I bought this machine to replace our 26 year old Onida CRT TV. My Initial preference was an LED TV and after lot of showroom surveys, I came doRead more...
Carrier AC - A great reliable choice
Reviewed Carrier Durakool Star 1 0 T
After a long search finally bought this cooling beast.(Carrier Durakool Star 1T - 4Star Split AC) I had some preferences: . Reasonable price . 4 or 5 Star Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on caretaker
Great!! @caretaker ... Nice to see my comment was selected as the best comment... :) QQ: so hows the prize money going to reach me?
Best Comment of the Day Contest
Commented on suraaz's review
Hi Suraaj, Thanks for the elaborate review. This actually came in when I am looking to buy a same series laptop (S56CA i3 config, as my configuration requirements are low). Though I would like to say here you would have bought S56CM series laptop priced the same and has nvidia graphics too (but i Read More...
Rated on suraaz's review
Commented on suraj2026's review
Hi Suraj, This is Debaroon a proud owner of HeroMoto Hunk bought Nov 2012. I would like you to view below two videos of mine on Youtube describing the issues/plus points of Hero Hunk 2012. One video is a short review another one is a 20 min long review. Hope it will help you in your decision. Read More...
Commented on kakarot's review
Hi Kakarot, Firstly congrats on booking one of the premier 150cc indian bike. I too own a 3 month old Hero Hunk single disc variant. Before 1st servicing mileage was 37kmpl. Around 200 kms back I had the first servicing and now my mileage is 47-48 kmpl. regarding the brakes, you are true, Hunk's Read More...
Commented on dinesh_redhawk's review
Hi Dinesh, Thanks for the heads up. I will be buying a HeroHunk soon (with prefitted kicker). Can you please provide us with a brief review of the bike as per your xp. I mean smoothness, power, mileage etc? Thanks!_Debaroon
Rated on dinesh_redhawk's review
Rated on sandipan_sett2005's review
Commented on dimpysharma's review
Hi dimpysharma, I went to a showroom recently and testdrove Hunk, the showroom guy informed me that a new version of Hunk will be releasing with KickStart implemented. I will be ordering this version of hunk soon, just wanted to enquire whats the mileage you are getting now (I acknowledge the fa Read More...
Rated on dimpysharma's review
Commented on ashis1989's review
Sweet and Simple one Ashish... quick queries, from where you bought this machine and what was the onroad price for the same? Also, you mentioned that parts get rusty due to monsoon, so have you experienced any rusty parts so far on your Hunk? _Debaroon
Rated on ashis1989's review
Commented on own review
Hello koshyis.. Thanks for getting back. Theres No joining fee but an annual fee of Rs. 500. No my cars is not based on any FD with ICICI. Please check the URL i had mentioned to view all the features of the same. _Debaroon
Commented on Nikhil8803's review
Nicely written, I am going to get HHHunk in a couple of weeks. Just a random query, whats the average mileage you are getting? Thanks in advance!
Commented on rk_siddhivinayak's review
Hi Rajneesh, Your review has no base, no meaning, no information. Sorry to put this like this way, but can you please describe in simple understandable language (hindi is fine for us too) what you want to say? Thanks! DG
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