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Member Since:Dec 31, 2002
0 MS Points
I'm a dreamer and an idealist at heart (typical Pisces), so it's no wonder I'm a sucker for a good love story and a happy ending...in truth or fiction. Soon after I sold my first novel, I ditched my chic power suits for a dream job that offers such perks as: pajama dress code, thirty-second commute, and a boss that understands me perfectly (me). I'm a first generation American of Indian descent (my parents were both born and raised in Mumbai and emigrated to the U.S. in the 1960s). I've moved around the U.S. map a lot (10 states in 10 years). As a result, I have experienced many different American sub-cultures and have a heightened awareness of generalizations / stereotypes. I've loved almost every place I've lived. For me, it's always about the people, and I'm very good at sifting through rubble to find gold. The Internet makes the world a very small place, helps me connect and stay in touch with my ''far-away friends,'' and affirms my belief that human beings from all walks of life have more in common than not. What else? Happily married. No kids, no pets, 2 struggling plants. ---------------------------------------- <b>Commonly asked Q&A in M2M:</b> <b>Q</b>: Any tips on publishing? <b>A</b>: I highly recommend <i>Writer's Digest</i>, for much better tips and resources (excellent reference books) than I could ever provide! See http://www.writersdigest.com <b>Q</b>: Where can I get your books? <b>A</b>: The books have come and gone from the bookstores (the shelf-life of bread). You can still get new/used copies from on-line booksellers such as Amazon. See http://www.amazon.com . I'm a former business professional (a stockbroker after undergrad and a management consultant after grad school) turned romance novelist. I love people, books, movies, music, food (consuming--not cooking), and investments. My latest passion is a centre for underprivileged (street) children in Mumbai (Aseema in Bandra-West) that I first learned about from an article in an on-line newspaper. Thanks (again) to the wonders of the Internet, I helped them build up their library from the other side of the world. I ordered books in the West, and <poof> they appear in the East like magic! Great fun, and a cause near and dear to my heart. I welcome any children's book reviews / recommendations! :)
About Me
Education: BS, MBA
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What a great site!
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Two months into my regular visits to this site, Im starting to get.opinionated.:) First off, what a great site!  The reviews have broadened my horizonsRead more...
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Commented on vmshut's review
Can't believe it took me a year to read this when I'm the one who requested it! :) Well, it was worth the wait. I loved the inside scoop on what Delhi meant to YOU. You are absolutely right that travel guides can be purchased from many sources. Personal perspectives are harder to obtain for the Read More...
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Rated on karana23's review
Commented on karana23's review
Karan, another great review. Loved the concise summary/commentary. After your hearty recommendation, how can I resist getting a copy of this book? :) Best, Monica
Hi, Karan. I loved this collection of short stories, but I'm the first to admit I haven't read a lot of literature, my first love being popular fiction. :) This is a great review, thoughtful and well articulated. I enjoyed the alternate perspective. Hope your studies are going well. Bes Read More...
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