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Member Since:Jun 16, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a lawyer. I practice indirect taxation laws predominantly these days though I have had exposure to corporate, civil and constitutional litigation. Along with practicing laws, I teach legal aptitude to aspirants for five year law school entrance exams. These days I am involved in a preparation for competitive exams for various government services. I am a voracious reader, most of my free time is spent in reading. My interests are varied and I have done substantial reading and research on warfare and strategy, corporate strategies and business practices. These days I have involved myself in International Affairs, Politics (contemporary and historical), Philosophy and various governmental affairs. I am also a big movie buff and every third or fourth day I try to watch a new movie. Here my interests are specific - I like documentaries and the ones I see are essentially directly or indirectly related to whatever reading I am involved in. Along with, I like historical costume dramas (viz Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy), movies based on real life stories, biographical movies, movies on organized crime and the ones who have some secret operation and/or intelligence agencies in the middle of the story. I am currently deeply into (and have been for quite a while) Noam Chomsky. I am also reading a lot of Indian political history and the independence movement. As always I somehow always find the time to watch at least one new movie every three or four days. I don't however review all of them. Paucity of time to be blamed!!
About Me
Education: B.Com , LL.B.
Food and Drinks: Scotch with Soda and Ice - anything vegitarian goes with it!! I don't eat non-veg.Books: On politics, strategy, philosophy, biographies and auto biographies and a novel once in a whileMovie Stars: Denzel Washington, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Al Pachino, Amir Khan, Leonardo DeCapriaoMovies: Even longer list...T.V. Shows: I loved The West Wing. Still miss it!!Music: Rock, Country, instrumentalQuotes: (It is a long one, from Chomsky, the space here is not enough to quote it)
Food and Drinks: Scotch with Soda and Ice - anything vegitarian goes with it!! I don't eat non-veg.
Books: On politics, strategy, philosophy, biographies and auto biographies and a novel once in a while
Movie Stars: Denzel Washington, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Al Pachino, Amir Khan, Leonardo DeCapriao
Movies: Even longer list...
T.V. Shows: I loved The West Wing. Still miss it!!
Music: Rock, Country, instrumental
Quotes: (It is a long one, from Chomsky, the space here is not enough to quote it)
Review of the Day (0)
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A Public Indictment of Media
Reviewed Rann
Rann is the most powerful and unambiguous public indictment of media. What makes it even more surprising is that it was done in a mainstream commercial movie.Read more...
For the first time, a Muslim is not a victim.
Reviewed Traitor
It is a complex movie. Not so much because of the story but because what it tries to argue. And the argument is the same. Not all Muslims are terrorists. But Read more...
Hail the spirit of the youth! Rocket Singh Rocks.
Reviewed Rocket Singh
Rocket Singh is the st
Old wine in new bottle
Reviewed State of Play
State of Play is a thriller movie with a strong star cast playing intense roles. Ben Affleck plays a US CongreRead more...
Inside account of a high stake takeover battle
Reviewed Cold Steel: Lakshmi Mittal and the Multi-billion-dollar Battle for a Global Empire - Tim Bouquet
Writing Style *This book provides a detailed insider account of the unsolicited/hostile takeover bid of Arcelor by Mittal Steel. Though this book in not writRead more...
The fear Global Warming examined in detail
Reviewed State of Fear - Michael Crichton
This was my first Michael Crichton novel and I must say I am very impressed.Story and Characters This novel deals with complex and heavily debated topics of GRead more...
Should you permit the Torture of a fellow human??
Reviewed Rendition
A bomb explodes somewhere in North Africa and an CIA agent killed. Anwar El-Ibrahimi, a US Citizen and a chemical engineer, is on his way back to his home in Read more...
Recieved more praise than Deserves.
Reviewed Khuda Ke Liye
For an internationally acclaimed movie which has been showered with praise by almost all newspapers in India, I expected it to be a really great - once in tenRead more...
Chef-d'oeuvre!!! MASTERPIECE!!! Incredible!!!
Reviewed Taare Zameen Par
This movie is a masterpiece. This is the sort of movie which gets made once in may be 50 years. I am a big fan of Amir Khan(the actor) but he has shown here wRead more...
Amazing Acting and Amazing Concept.
Reviewed Shaurya - Bollywood
I knew this movie is inspired by "A Few Good Men" and I would state this in the begining, "A Few Good Men" is one movie which I have seen like 25 times, I knoRead more...
What matters most - Family or Work?
Reviewed Click
This is one movie which really made me sit back and think what the hell am I doing with my life, what the hell I will end up doing and where the hell will I lRead more...
The Errors in this movie
Reviewed Shootout at Lokhandwala
Okay, we have heard it all - the movie is good and the performances are high voltage and that the songs suck (except Ganpat!!). The Times of India gave it fouRead more...
Reviewed Crimson Tide
Hi Friends, This is a movie with two of the most respected actors in Hollywood. It is full of high octane performances by power house actors. The story is abRead more...
Reviewed Devil's Alternative, The - Frederick Forsyth
Hi Friends, This was my first Frederick Forsyth (hereinafter referred as FF) novel and I must say – FF rocks. I have read quite a few thriller novels bRead more...
Inevitable Inexplicable Phenomenon!!!!
Reviewed Chariots of the Gods - Erich Von Daniken
Hi Friends, This is a very futuristic book and gives a theory that might be called fantastic but it is very difficult to overlook. With the kinds of supportiRead more...
Average Archer - Good for a Bed Time Read!!!!
Reviewed Sons of Fortune - Jeffrey Archer
Hi Friends, Jeffrey Archer is a name that needs no introduction. He is the bestselling author of at least half a dozen novels with huge hits like Kane and AbRead more...
Reviewed Light of Other Days, The - Arthur C Clarke
Hi Friends, This is a science fiction novel, my first science fiction in fact. Arthur C. Clarke – the author of this novel is a very renowned science Read more...
Reviewed Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
Hi Friends, My first Dan Brown novel was The Da Vinci Code. After reading that one I was so impressed I decided to read all his novels. I finished it with Read more...
Reviewed Great Indian Dream, The - Arindam Chaudhuri
Hi Friends, I read Count you chicken before they hatch by the same author a long time ago – I guess I was in class in 1st year of my graduation that tiRead more...
Reviewed Deception Point - Dan Brown
Hi, Dan Brown is the author of ‘The Da Vinci Code’. Mentioning the name of this one book is enough introduction for the author. Dan Brown’sRead more...
The worst experience I have ever had
Reviewed Thrillophilia
I had a very disappointing experience with this travel agency. Although the company has positive reviews and high ratings, I now suspect some of these might bRead more...
Commented on own review
@ nazu561 - I recently spotted a copy in a local bookstore here (i reside in Chandigarh). It is a very famous book. You should contact your bookseller and request the person to procure a copy for you. Any decent library would have a copy of this book. Or you can try buying it online. I guess IndiaTi Read More...
Pradeepk123 - What hope does it leave for Democracy? Great question. If you'll be so kind to visit my blog and read the entire thing, you'll come to realize that, as I say, it is better to have Pessimism of the Intellect than Optimism of the Will. But things can change. It will however, require n Read More...
Rated on ajeet15's review
Rated on niteshambuj's review
Commented on rinaldo_leo79's article
Democracy Among the list of countries in your post, Britain is the only democratic country. Same is done in India with people who have illegally crossed the border. The bunch of things you listed is with people who seek asylum or are refugees. Shows all the more how a real democratic country works!! Read More...
Crossing the Indian border!
Thanks Soldier. A movie like Traitor deserves more than 7500 words. What you read here was part of what is there on my blog. The blog includes a detailed analysis with references to various other movies on the same theme, two of which I have already reviewed on MS. Links can be found footnoted on Read More...
Thanks for the feedback. I have written a longer piece about the same movie on my blog - www.khagesh-gautam.blogspot.com discussing various interpretations of this movie. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Commented on insanechants's review
Blackberry is an addiction man. I agree with your review above. It is simply superb. I toyed with the idea of moving back to Nokia. E 63 may be. Dropped it in a couple of hours. Blackberry rocks.
Rated on insanechants's review
Commented on er360's review
I've been using this phone for about two weeks now. The price now is 24,990. And I absolutely agree with your review. This is a great device.
Rated on er360's review
Commented on kunalkhandwala's review
I totally agree with you man. This is one of the best spy movies on real time events in world. Certainly not the most sensitive but most certainly up there in the top 5. DeCaprio has a unique acting style and its showing in every movie - movie after movie the guy manages to deliver consistent p Read More...
Rated on kunalkhandwala's review
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