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Member Since:Sep 20, 2005
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. Travelling, Reading, Adventure sports
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Honda AT- Good looks comfort, poor mileage
Reviewed Honda City 2012 1.5 S AT
I bought this new Honday city exclusive on Oct 7th 2011 and got it fueled to full tank at 13 kms odo reading- petrol added was 34.09 litres @ Rs. 2400.28 DrovRead more...
Blackberry Curve 8320 WiFi- A great phone!!!
Reviewed BlackBerry Curve 8310
Many of you must have read my other reviews and reading this again. Let me tell you this phone was the number #1 rated phone of the year 2007 in the United stRead more...
LRMBMBBS- Supresedes the adventures and frolics !
Reviewed Lage Raho Munnabhai
Munna and Circuit are back! The lovable goons embark on their new adventure with LAGE RAHO MUNNABHAI. The first part [MUNNABHAI M.B.B.S.] was a mesmeric experRead more...
Trip to Secret Waterfalls-II of Pavagadh- Explore
Reviewed Baroda
Pavagadh- This place is very familiar and known to all Barodians. Almost everyone has visited this place and more frequently too. But this review is not aboveRead more...
Better to watch ''Nine Months'' Read it here
Reviewed Salaam Namaste
Salaam Namaste has all the makings of an incredible disaster. First, its star (Saif Ali Khan) in real life has not done justice to his kids and Amruta (she isRead more...
Splendor- I never knew its so splendid performanc
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor
Hi, I come again to write on bikes (read my earlier articles on Washing machines & Cars). I would quote Splendor from Hero Honda would be most sRead more...
'Elena' Front loading (FL) superceeds all,no doub
Reviewed Front Loading Vs. Top Loading Washing Machines
Hi, Thanks for reading mine, as ranjrans review highlighted alreay enough about advantages of Front loading (FL) machines. Not to repeat of what is alRead more...
Best Smoothy on Road
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Esteem
Hi, I should not forget to tell you, I am the 3rd buyer of Maruti Esteem LX (a Sept 96 model), but I have a smooth chicky car on hands. I paid only 1,2Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed cuchillo99 , teena_sri , confusedsoul , smartgirl
Commented on siddb75's review
@agar_janna- I don't understand why would you start-stop-start.. just let it remain on, as long as the water is cold (and not heated), the instant heater will remian ON. You would get continuous warm water (may be less warm), reduce flow to get hotter stream. I can't believe, that Pronto is ON an Read More...
Rated on siddb75's review
Rated on mkhokale's review
Rated on opinionated's review
Commented on opinionated's review
@nirvana- i was about to just write.. oh my my ''..wait a minute... she just enjoyed para-sailing..'' imagine if she had gone for para-gliding and someone would have taught her to find hot air currents, she would have gone further nuts... btw @nirvana- what do you do?
Followed kapoorcmc
Commented on kapoorcmc's review
I like your review. Very nicely written. I am hopeful that my city AT- all same specs and color as yours (added review yesterday) would reach 17 when I take it on smooth highways (never driven that yet- only did 360 kms yet all on city).
Rated on kapoorcmc's review
Commented on own review
@shorttempered- the company claims officially 1.3 kmpl lesser for an AT. If the driving conditions worsen out, same for both MT and AT, the mileage difference should remain the same... ideally!
Followed nimisha23377 , bindiyarastogi123
Commented on pbagmar's review
well you guessed 10 kmpl, i actually got a 9.66 kmpl- accurately calculated. just posted a review. All other features of Honda makes it a leader in the segment, looks being on the top
Rated on pbagmar's review
Rated on Steve1978's review
Sorry all- for replying so late... SMR- I haven't bought anything from India plaza so don't know about them. Yes functionally it has no problems as yet. Somebody has requested my used phone (have 3 battries with it, 1 still new) for 11k. I am thinking to sell it.. Jeevesh- I am not aware a Read More...
Rated on vimal.shah's review
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