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Member Since:Sep 10, 2003
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Education: BE
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India online sites - shopclues, snapdeal
Reviewed Online Shopping Experience
Ive been an online shopper and have shopped from shopclues also among others like flipkart, snapdeal, amazon, ebay, etc. these are the precautions that Read more...
Be balanced while giving opinions!!
Reviewed ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Im a customer of ICICI Prulife and have also have policies Lifetime and Smartkid. Im also a customer of LIC and have Komal Jeevan policy of LIC (Read more...
RIM: Your experience depends on your choices!!
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Hello All, Ive been using RIM in Mumbai since May 2004. What Ive observed is playing safe with all these providers is the only way for consumersRead more...
Stay away from godaddy
Reviewed Choosing a Domain Registrar
Dear webmasters, If you only need a domain name translated to an IP address and redirected to your web site(and see the redirected URL in the browser) for$8/Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on nareshverma01's review
Naresh , thanks for your detailed review and sorry to hear about your experience. I've been an online shopper and have shopped from shopclues also (among others like flipkart, snapdeal, amazon, ebay, etc). Fortunately, I didn't have that bad an experience like you, however, these are the pre Read More...
Commented on anicomp78's review
Draft a good letter narrating events with dates and calls etc and intent to file complaint with consumer court. Provide them a time limit of 15 days for recieving the payment or response from them, . Send email of this draft to vatious grivevence email ids on their site and a physical letter to thei Read More...
Commented on devenking's review
Thyrocare had been sued by another customer on similar instance in 2008 where one of the reports reported high level of cholesterol. Mistakes can happen at other laboratories also. Most laboratories are local and do not have so large user base. Triple test done even a week apart gives a different re Read More...
Rated on bharatt22's review
Commented on bharatt22's review
Did not specify what was wrong. If he has lost the money by paying it to someone without any verification, whats wrong with the website? In a review, it is expected to provide complete and specific experience.
Commented on maulik3011's review
How much cash is actually paid out nobody is saying. I've been using the site for as many months as well with confirmed cash as 175. they give it within first 7 days. their payout limit is 250 which is never fulfilled. I also have more than 450 pending cashback which after 6 months also is not confi Read More...
Rated on maulik3011's review
Commented on karthikk's review
did you tell about 6% savings acct interest on daily balance? This is 3.5-4% in other banks
Rated on agarwal_a's review
Rated on Gaurav1410's review
Rated on kedar_ap's review
Commented on livehappy's review
Dear livehappy, I'd say this is shocking to read your review. Not because I want to back ICICI Pru but how could you take yourself a policy without reading the terms and conditions? I think this is a standarad term & condition for any ULIP of 3 year lock-in period. I don't see any cheating here. Read More...
Rated on rrmenon's review
Rated on atulsankhe's review
Commented on cactus1970's review
I guess you wanted to say DEBIT & CREDIT card, do you? I'm not aware of Charge card as such that accumulates the charges and the amount is deducted/charged at the end of the month. Debit cards are used much in the same way the credit cards are, the difference being the transactions are directly Read More...
Rated on cactus1970's review
It is a nice review though a dated one, it made a nice reading. Do you have anything to add on current scenario? Currently instead of you paying for the service, many service providers are giving out money to you for availing this facility in the form of reward points, cashback bonus, etc. Do Read More...
Rated on dhruvtanwar's review
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