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Member Since:Apr 06, 2006
2 MS Points
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Heavyweights of World Cricket
Reviewed Cricket World XI
How about having the heaviest cricketers in the world in the same dressing room... Funny isnt it... It would be WWE revived...My Team of Heavyweights in the bRead more...
Illusions of a Digital Camera
Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
Dear Friends, Buying a Digital Camera although might look a bit tedious job.... it really isnt so...its just the illusions that are been created in our mindsRead more...
Zoom Macha Le (Best in the League)
Reviewed Canon PowerShot A700
Just got this fabulous piece from Canon 2 months back for 17,500.... And made optimal use of itduring Diwali... The review is been written after testing the DRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Alazne's review
Commented on vasu2626's review
hey vasundhara here's the online copy of chargeback form. www.icicibank.com/pfsuser/cards/creditcard/cdf.pdf All the best, will wait for some good news from you
Hi, Ezeego is a big fraud,so dont wait for them to respond back. ICICI bank allows a chargeback in case money has been credited and service has not been provided. This facility is available within 30 days of transaction. You can call up the call center and they will explain you the procedure. Y Read More...
Commented on drmngr's review
Hey Mandar, That was a real zesty RVU on JBIMS. JB beats any other management campus hands-down for two things. 1. Students being the governing body for all the end-to-end activities that happen at the campus 2. The JB alumni which is ever helping and always there for you I greatly appre Read More...
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Rated on Dinzaach82's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for the comments ajay... can you help me replace those few who havent performed... with those who are more eligible... appreciate your reply...
Rated on itspriyanka's review
Commented on mark2gp's review
That was real sherlock style.. :P I have already changed my rating for Deja Vu from VU to NU... Thanks for the info... Keep unearthing such users further more
Rated on mark2gp's review
Commented on envyram's review
Your rvu has certainly helped me make my mind to watch this Mel Gibson thriller. I think i might watch it this weekend... will write a review then on my experience
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