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Member Since:Apr 01, 2012
51 MS Points
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Phoenix - the best 125cc bike ever
Reviewed TVS Phoenix
I have in my house, a TVS Jive 110cc(5&1/2 year-old), Hero passion Xpro 110cc(1&1/2 year-old) and lately, TVS Phoenix 125 cc(3 months old). I have behind me Read more...
A Great City-commuter bike
Reviewed TVS Jive
After 2 years and some 15000 km, my experience so far with Jive is - A nice and comfortable urban commuter, I rate it as the best one available. Real good tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on suhash7004's review
Commented on suhash7004's review
What review you wrote is the gospel truth. As one who owns phoenix, I can assure, it is the best of all 110/125 cc bikes- be it honda/hero/bajak/yamaha - none of them are as good as phoenix. Particularly honda bikes are hugely hyped up by reviewers of bike mags/portals, which is all pure trash. and Read More...
so much for the over-hyped honda quality! WTF! if the screws and nuts get rusted within a month of buying a bike that costs around 70k ! honda service is just lousy. you can ask any honda bike owner.
Rated on LIVOUSER's review
Commented on own review
@krishnaitbpl In my opinion, you needn't even think of yamaha saluto > simply good-for-nothing. honda shine would be better than saluto. I am very much happy riding Phoenix.
Commented on Badri_D's review
Yes. No other 125cc bike can match Phoenix on any count.
Rated on sridhararavamudhu's review
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