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Member Since:Nov 03, 2006
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Reliance - tale of a sickening company!
Reviewed Reliance General Insurance
Please dont subscribe to any Reliance products by their advertisements or free insurance and all. Reliance is utter crap, our car was insured by RelianRead more...
Reviewed Nokia 3230
I WOULD BEG TO DIFFER WITH THE USERS WHO ARE DISCOURAGING OTHERS TO BUY THIS PHONE. I have been using this phone since May 2006. It is actually a very good buRead more...
A Grand experience!
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Whatever people may say but it is one of the best movies till date. Actually dont we all actually feel the same way these people in the film reacted. EvRead more...
It was anything but a flight!
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Air Deccan is simply pathetic. There is no time sense, whenever travelling by this flight check the timing even half an hour before the flight, it can change Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on akt42002's review
akt42002 & jpmlore, Reliance can take the pains for anything and everything till the time they don't have to pay. My car was insured through Reliance Gen. Ins. and everything was fine till the time we had an accident. The first thing they said was the diving licence had expired which was actually n Read More...
Commented on Kaymalini's review
Kaymalini, Brilliant review. I think I retreated the path of the film reading your review. I thought I would write a review about this film initially, but after reading your review I don't think I could have crafted it better.. Beautiful!
Rated on Kaymalini's review
Rated on charu_agarwal's review
Rated on kutchiboy's review
Commented on kutchiboy's review
I somehow feel, no company is here to do charity, they are all here for business. So, if the owner of a company actually thinks of ways to increase his profit I don't think it is not justified. Moreover, do we once think, why do we need cricketers/filmstars to sell products and not a Mother Teresa Read More...
Rated on shabsids's review
Commented on vasudevbehere's review
It is one of the best books read by me so far, I would personally recommend you to read firstly, not a penny not a penny less, then the prodigal daughter and then shall we tell the president... He is a master in story telling and everything is so different than the others. Adios, Adora
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Rated on ram_cv's review
Commented on ram_cv's review
You are very meticulous and correct in your approach which is pleasantly surprising. Somehow, I feel Grisham being a lawyer acn really do justice to these kind of themes wherein there will be authenticity nad some research in his novels. Otherwise it is not even worth a read. Anyhow, I feel you shou Read More...
Rated on r_kantsharma's review
Rated on rajanvkhanna's review
Rated on sauravray's review
Followed sauravray
Commented on dhardipesh7's review
This is in regards to the reviews of Dipesh and Ranjan both. There is no point blaming an organisation if we are not aware of the policies. Once you have handed your credit card does not mean that the account is closed but the card is inactive. The card and the account may have been opened at the sa Read More...
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ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
Ala Rahi Restoran (@alarahitrMouthShut Verified Member)
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Kunal Sharma (@Kunal32198MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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