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Member Since:Aug 06, 2008
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A good bike wid some -ve points
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
I am about to buy a 150cc range bike.. This bike fascinated me with its looks.. Last sunday this bike was released in my city, although bookings were allreadyRead more...
Hello, sggest me in buying a new bike
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
Hi everyone, I am akash, I want to buy a bike in the 150cc segment. I am a student, so I will drive around 15-20kms per day in city limits. now what are myRead more...
Hello , i need suggestion on buying a 150cc bike.
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Bike
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Gaurav_12's review
Commented on Gaurav_12's review
u have mentioned only abt looks.. nothing else... looks doesnt mean everythin...
Commented on suhasblue64's review
ya rite.. try unicorn before finalizing anything... as far as i feel apache is an 2 year bike.. after that , it starts giving problems..
Commented on delicate_item's review
i would advice honda activa rather than pep, though activa gives gives less milage than pep, but activa is smooth to ride on and gives u a comfortable ride than pep. also activa is costlier than pep.. all d best whichevr u choose
Rated on ranajitgh's review
Commented on murugesan5's review
Airtels performance is getting degraded as days r passing on... my friend who use irtel also complain a lot of problems..
Rated on murugesan5's review
Commented on gari's article
wow/... wow.. great post... ur mom is similar to my mom.. she has struggld too much in her life.. salute to all mothers... :)
It's Never Too Late for Anything
Commented on kar887's review
hi buddy, i know cbz is good, but one thing i have heard from the CBZ bikers is that, its milage reduces considerably.So i would be grateful to u. If u comment on this issue.. i want to buy 150cc range bike.. so confused between Pulsar 150,Unicorn and CBZ extreme.. thanks
Rated on jinoy_anto's review
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Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
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