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Member Since:Mar 17, 2009
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Best City Bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Glamour
I own this beauty frm one and half year by now.its the best city bike. Very comfortable riding posture for all heights.you will surely appreciate the knee recRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on i.am.coool.sumit's review
Buy any bike, and in 2-3 years more new models will be in market, most surely from bajaj. glamour is good city vehicle, and most of netigens speak of power 9bhp, its not power which actually thrills you, its the torque, which you get 10.4 NewtonMetre at 4000 rpm, hence the bike has good pickup. ofco Read More...
Rated on mpsahuja's review
Commented on mpsahuja's review
Not a good review, instead of posting all specifications, you should have directly written glady followed by zeus everywhere LOL, suzuki zeus is worst ever bike i've ridden. you tell me if its so good, its least seen on roads whenc ompared with all. and many alternative shave comeup these days too. Read More...
Because, simply written specifications and written glady followed by zeus, no useful information or ridden experience
Commented on MANGESHBORKAR's review
thrashing the byk, mileage of 40+. I really doubt this, if u ride speeds above 70 constantly, mileage drops to 30. ask any hunk owner, or for that matter any bike owner. NO bike give 35+ mileage if u drive constantly at 70 plus or 80 plus speeds. i bet on it.
Rated on corresboyoo7's review
Rated on vishalvkale01's review
Followed vishalvkale01 , pankajshirke , anandsharma021
Rated on pankajshirke's review
Commented on anandsharma021's review
Excellent review. what all the points u have mentioned are absolutely correct. and i would like to know one morething. Do you have to adjust chain setting frequently as same in case of pulsar? or it goes fine with disco? let me know regarding this chain tightening issue is there in disco or not. kee Read More...
Rated on anandsharma021's review
Commented on Lonain2's review
550 Kms in a single day..!! u must be riding all the day continously for 7-8 hours..!dear author..dont waste such time :P
Commented on pankajshirke's review
Yes..desi companies are always better..HeroHonda is anyday preferrable to HMSI...honda is a mere waste..just check condition of 3-5 year old unicorns and shines..all simply rusted..and take cd100 from HH even after 10 years its still a stable horse..perfect..even i wish..Indian money should be withi Read More...
Rated on liton's review
Commented on arun8706's review
yes unicorn is best, wen compared to passion in anyways except mileage :P and really..ride and check hero honda bikes are more reliable than honda bikes itself..anyday any segment..hero honda is better than honda..just compare..ride and check it in long run tooo..
Rated on batfan's review
Commented on vish85's review
there is not much difference between cbz xtreme and achiever except for the rearset footpegs ;) which entirely changes the riding posture and feel of the bikes. unicorn is waste of money, its simply a bigger splendour, instead go for most expensive stunner :P while uying bigger capacity machines, p Read More...
Commented on amit_kr_basu's review
Hero Honda glamour would be best choice..it has got stylish looks wen compared to honda shine and also gives more mileage than shine..baja xcd 135 is gud value for money..but still keeping resale value and long term durability in mind..Glamour scores high.most ergonomic seat design and large fuel ta Read More...
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Rated on chandy732's review
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