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Member Since:Nov 12, 2008
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Reviewed Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital - Basaveshwara Nagar - Bangalore
Indeed Agarwal Hospital is no good, My mother had a small black dot visible in one of her eyes & we had taken her to Agarwal hospital for check up. TheyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on dhayan.anand's review
It will take approximately 1 week to 10 days , they will display selected names on the notice board. When u attend the interview they will inform you the date when the results will be announced. I guess there will waiting list as well if there are any parents who pull out after selection , this wil Read More...
Hi Harini, I think all the kids are very bright its good enough if they can identify the objects in their mother tongue the whole idea to introduce to various things during their childhood is they grasp very fast & their brain development from 0 - 4 years is enormous. Its bizarre to say that kids Read More...
Hi Harini Its always better to try in multiple schools as each school will have their own criteria in selecting mostly background of parents & money plays very important role in all schools in Bangalore. Start training your kid to identify vegetables / colours & rhymes this is very important t Read More...
Hi Kavitha Age criteria at NHPS is Nursery 3 + as of June 2010 LKG 4 + as of June 2010 But i guess you can contact school management & ask if they can consider for LKG as she is only 4 months smaller. They teach montessori method which is very good for children. My kid loves to go to school Read More...
Commented on RamselC's review
Hi Sushil, Best of luck in advance for your Child's admission. Last year NHPS charged Refundable deposit - 20000 Development Fees - 15000 Administration Fees- 15000 Tuition Fees 1st Inst-12000 Total -- 62,000 / - Tuition Fees 2nd Inst-10450 (To be paid by 10th Aug) Tuition Fees 3r Read More...
Commented on own review
Amrit, hospital owners are very intelligent they did not give the file back to us, they said u can come back once we have decided & hospital will retain the records. Vpadiyar, thanks i never knew that u were staying near the hospital, in future i will ask you for any assistance.. Jokes apart, Read More...
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Commented on vishalsun's review
Rajeshrao Which class has your son joined & what is the fee's / Donation you paid.
Dhayan, thanks a lot for clearing all my queries. I'm going to wait for their call in December .. fingers crossed ...
Dhayan thanks a lot for your quick response. Its is indeed very helpful Pls let me know how many kids are there in one class for nursery & approxmiately how many sections they have for each standard. Any idea of how many kids get into nursey every year ? Actually my daughter did answer 7 Read More...
Dhayan,%0d%0a%0d%0aI had been to interview last week in NHPS, questions asked for nursey kids was too tough. Anyway, today I saw the results & was shocked to see only 10 people selected. Any idea if there is going to 2nd / 3rd list & when they likely declare this ? What is the fee structure / donat Read More...
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