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west bengal
Member Since:Jan 13, 2004
0 MS Points
. anything thats good and appeals to me . ARS GRATIA ARTIS .... art for the sake of art that''s my maxim.
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Education: college
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Fiction fuel for the soul & mind
Reviewed To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
B> TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD - HARPER LEE When I started to write my experience with To Kill A Mockingbird I faced a dilemma for there were 11 previous reviewRead more...
THE VETERAN : five great journeys with forsyth
Reviewed Veteran,The - Frederick Forsyth
THE VETERAN :FREDERICK FORSYTH The name Frederick Forsyth is instantly recognizable to anyone who goes for political thrillers.From a unbiased perspectiveif Read more...
Reviewed Omerta - Mario Puzo
Omerta : MARIO PUZO Omerta: a Sicilian code of honor which forbids informing about crimes thought to be the affairs of the persons involved ( World Book DictRead more...
Reviewed Adventure of the Dancing Men, The - Arthur Conan Doyle
THE ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE From 1891 to 1893 the STRAND magazine continued to publish stories featuring the great SHERLOCK HOLMES aRead more...
ANGELA''S ASHES- childhood of struggles & tri
Reviewed Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
ANGELA”S ASHES: FRANK McCOURT “The grass is always greener on the other side”-this age old dictum always holds true when it comes to human Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on priyankav's review
Commented on Bookworm123's review
you liked omerta- well you got to admit it's not as great as the other books and the characters don't get to develop as much as we want them to.
Rated on irishmist's review
Commented on pjay_in's review
WELCOME to the life of McCOURTS and also to MOUTHSHUT.COM
Commented on egostation's review
MR.SAVO ,I would like to include two videos which I feel are appropriate in relation to the songs made 1. ENIGMA-RETURN TO INNOCENCE 2.QUEEN-I WANT TO BREAK FREE
Rated on egostation's review
Commented on purplewriter's review
HEY : I haven”t seen PAAP just read your review .The story line of the movie seems to have a uncanny link to a HARRISON FORD starrer in which the cop played by FORD goes out to save a boy witness to a murder in remote farm : the heroine was possibly KELLY McGILLIS or KELLY PRESTON , the v Read More...
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on pree_16's review
Commented on madlalya's review
Jaane bhi do yaaron ranks as an all time great
Rated on madlalya's review
Rated on Roger_Dis_Chap's review
Rated on shahu's review
Rated on johnchristy's review
I always wondered if you'r stoned your mind should be in doldrums yet how can these folks bring out better music than those people who never take such stuff......MISS SPEARS AND CO.... RIGHTLY said --Truth is always stranger than fiction.. AMEN
Rated on sohini_enigma's review
Rated on crazyplaywright's review
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