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Member Since:Oct 22, 2003
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Had left this section blank for a long time. Nothing much to write about me. I spend my days keeping pace with my two kids (3 if you count my husband). And also taking baby steps ahead in my career. I am a typical Arian with a short fuse and a hot temper, but handling two equally temperamental brats (3 if you count my husband) has tamed me somewhat. Never thought of myself as the maternal sort, but now I trade diaper rash tales and baby food recipes like the best of them. Can be a real crybaby too - my husband says I am not satisfied unless I cry at least once a day. Hey, I ain't that bad! MouthShut came into my life in one of my toughest years ever (read: I didn't always get my own way!) and now I have made some fairly good friends here. I really don't care if a lot of people read my reviews, as long as the people whose opinions matter to me, do. And I am happy to say that they do. Lately I have discovered an interest in other domestic things - sewing, gardening etc...however the interest remains academic and I am yet to get down to doing anything about it. I had a lot of icons in my teens - sports stars like Stefan Edberg, the late Ayrton Senna, the actress Winona Ryder.... also dabbled in writing short stories and very bad poetry. I am grateful to Mouthshut for giving me a chance to do writing which is unrelated to my work. Now, if only I could figure out how to 'bold' and italicise!. My biggest interests are books, music and movies, in that order. I also love to write, meet friends and generally read anything I can get my hands on - which means I have accumulated loads of unnecessary information. Love eating out, that is a passion I don't get to indulge much these days, so I try to replicate a few of these flavours at home. I dream of being free one day to backpack through Europe, especially Scandinavia, Scotland, Ireland and most of western Europe. But for now, I am busy enjoying raising my two babies and working in an advertising agency.
About Me
Education: Bacherlors Degree
Review of the Day (0)
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Vernon Great Little
Reviewed Vernon God Little - DBC Pierre
Coming off the back of a few crappy reads (self inflicted tortures like Danielle Steel, why oh why!) DBC Pierre’s Vernon God Little was a compelling reaRead more...
Mommy's dilemma
Reviewed Parle Hide and Seek Biscuits
Wicked mother hides in the kitchen, gorging on Hide n Seek Biscuits. Little Meghna comes running in “I want choclit bifket” “No chocolate Read more...
Today on POGO
Reviewed Pogo TV
“Groan. My head hurts. A sliver of light is coming in through that window. It’s barely 7.30 am. Must I wake up? I’m exhausted after my lateRead more...
Opinion maker
Reviewed Salon
Fasten your seatbelts, you are entering the rarified atmosphere of journalistic excellence. Salon.com. A website widely credited with coining the term, Read more...
Quirky little clothes store
Reviewed Signature - Cochin
I live in one Cochin’s most affluent neighbourhoods, touted as the fastest growing in the city. Huge cars, houses, influential people (including one uniRead more...
My icons
Reviewed Ten Favorite Sports Personalities
The armchair athlete’s list. Not quite ten, but my favourites nevertheless. As I compile this list, I realize that most of my favourites have retired. Read more...
When those in power fail us
Reviewed Kerala State Electricity Board - KSEB
I thought long and hard before writing this one. I hate to run down my home state, for I am truly proud of so many things about it. The whole literacy thing ?Read more...
So what's cooking?
Reviewed Tips on Cooking food
More unsolicited advice from my keyboard, this time on cooking. I can hear my husband go “What! You! Tips on cooking?” These days it’s kindRead more...
Beauty care for mommas!
Reviewed Overall Face Care
Harrased moms, read on. Here are a few beauty pointers that won’t consume much of your time. There’ll be days you get barely enough time to brush Read more...
Worth Reading!
Reviewed Worth Winning - Dan Lewandowski
The title might mislead you into thinking that Worth Winning is a self-help book. It is, in fact, a rollicking story about one mans search for his idealRead more...
Great headlines, wonderful ads
Reviewed Ten Best Television Commercials
I have steered clear of advertising related categories on Mouthshut, since the subject is far too close to home. But I couldn’t resist an opportunity toRead more...
The title that inspired a hundred ad campaigns
Reviewed A Room With A View - E.M. Forster
I read A Room With A View after I had seen the wonderful movie version by Merchant-Ivory. Each scene, therefore is vivid in my mind. An old favourite, I returRead more...
William Dalrymple's Labour of love
Reviewed White Mughals - William Dalrymple
THIS is truly a story worth telling. That is why I am so grateful that William Dalrymple spent 6 years slaving away at this one. To chronicle a slice of histoRead more...
Vythiri Resort - Gateway to Wayanad
Reviewed Kerala - General
On those rare occasions when the temperature drops in Cochin, when the monsoons create a mini winter in the city, we look delightedly at each other, exclaiminRead more...
Backwater beauty
Reviewed Alleppey
It was a particularly dull and busy Saturday afternoon. There I was hard at work, while my hubby was out drinking with the boss. But no complaints, because thRead more...
My feelings on Miss Smilla
Reviewed Smilla's Feeling For Snow - Peter Hoeg
A warm book with a glacial theme, Miss Smillas Feeling For Snow (or Smillas Sense Of Snow, depending on the edition you read) is a fascinating reaRead more...
For the child or the Child in you!
Reviewed Favourite Books Of Childhood
I grew up in a small town in Assam in the 80s. No TV(except for an annual trek to the one house in the colony which had a Onida, for the men’s wimbledon finalRead more...
My final countdown
Reviewed Twenty Best Rock Songs
You could call this compilation ‘a gentle introduction to rock’. This list is highly subjective. Please put it down to my ignorance if your favourRead more...
Baby, baby!
Reviewed Johnsons Baby Shampoo
No more tears indeed! I love the entire Johnsons range, in particular the shampoo. My little girl has a head of hair which gets unbelievably grimy, so iRead more...
Wierd, wonderful world
Reviewed World According To Garp, The - John Irving
Robust, wildly imaginative, strange – John Irving’s fiction is all this and more. His most acclaimed novel The World According To Garp is filled wRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on amisax's review
Commented on hitesha's review
I disagree completely - but then, that is my opinion. As someone who works in advertising, is a mother and has worked with cricket players - this book struck an instant chord. Im all for serious reading, but once in a while you need a light breezy read like this - one which doesnt insult the reader Read More...
Hi Hitesha Just stumbled across your review... I consider myself a fairly highbrow reader and yet I work in advertising .... quite a dichotomy, eh. But I absolutely loved Zoya Factor - for its unabashed Indianness and maybe also cos the milieu is so familiar to me. And by the way - Anuja is not i Read More...
Commented on amjad_maruf's review
Hey, great review. I love Aamir, and I was very disappointed with the last 20 minutes of the movie, so your review gives me some perspective on things - especially if Aamir himself has already said that this is a pure masala entertainer. Regards
Commented on crosswire's review
Stumbled on this review now! Spent a good deal of my time in Cookie Shop when my husband I were dating. Sweet memories, if you'll pardon the pun!
Commented on asavari_singh's review
was sent here by Ronnie. he assured me i'll love your writing... and he's not wrong. will add this to my list - though now i'm leading the kind of placid existence that may preclude my empathising entirely with this book.....
Rated on asavari_singh's review
Commented on shyamnambiar's review
...was my (!) reasoning when coffee beanz first opened. Therein lies the rub... I had just had my first baby at this point, and remember, this was the pre cafe coffee day, barista era in cochin. I so wanted to go, that I begged and begged the hubby - not having any friends left in the state to ha Read More...
Rated on shyamnambiar's review
Commented on varunsaboo's review
People do crazy things for victory. Senna did too. What he did not do, is make victory look humdrum, pedestrian. Schumi did that, and in my book that is his greatest crime. Didn't see any passion. Glad to know you are one of those intelligent souls in the abm (anyone but michael) club. Regards Read More...
and to think i got a measly 6 comments on my review of the attic. great going, nicely written, but must say the place had a slighly lost and lonely look the last time I went there. Shailaja
Rated on jodihayes's review
Commented on sourray's review
Goes for your revu, for the series and above all, johnny depp. Btw, abha - johnny depp always rocked - just see edward scissorhands or what's eating gilbert grape. Will have to see this on dvd.
Rated on sourray's review
Commented on pri20's review
but derserved I think. Asked for the dvd this weekend, but haven't got it yet. Am thouroughly impressed with your grasp of austen and her world. I read the book almost once every year, but I don't know if i could have done it the justice you have. A friend of mine had her first encounter with Read More...
Rated on pri20's review
Rated on orknob's review
Rated on krupajsph's review
Commented on kamini's review
don't agree one bit. Think it was decent as far as movies go, and aamir was defnly as good as he always is
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Anjali Gala (@singhasmithanjaliMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rinki Nandy (@nandyrinkiMouthShut Verified Member)
Rashmi Sm (@rashmicroreMouthShut Verified Member)
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Savita Chauhan (@savitachauhan11MouthShut Verified Member)
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Reviews: 3
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