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By: ashwinownsu | Posted: Dec 08, 2008 | General | 74 Views

I have become a journalist finally after an ordeal of over years

It was a long and seemingly unending battle that I fought to achieve this. Amongst other things, plays a vital role as well.

MS was my first stroke with recognition. Though I knew that I could write, I never knew what others thought of my writing. This is where MS pitched in. Getting a prompt feedback on what you had written and that too from people who don’t know you and wouldn’t be good to you just for being so!

It boosted my strength each time my reviews got a 'very useful' or each time when someone left a m2m saying I write well. I saved them all and still have each of them.

There was never a better high for my ego when MS made me the Best Debut Writer, within 17 days of my joining this website. It became even better when Jasmine wrote to me, informing me that I was going to be made a Star Writer. The star near my login id is still a matter of great pride for me! has given me some great friends, some who have had a significant impact on me... some friends who I proudly call my best friends today.

However, MS has changed with time.

A change is never good or bad… it's just a movement towards something different. It is in our ability to decide if we want to accept it happily or just crib and nag about it.

I am happy for whatever MS has become, though there's nostalgia about what it was two years back. But then I think we needed this, stagnating would have been sadder.

MS is more famous now and more lively as well. But then there are certain things that never change… even today there are some good and some not so good ids here. Some pseudo and some jerks… they are all over… and it just goes on to prove that MS is very close to real world!

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