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By: ashwinownsu | Posted: Jan 24, 2009 | General | 101 Views (Updated Jan 24, 2009)

Seriously….I know that this is going to cause a backlash. But someone has to say something about the latest trend here on MS.

This was supposed to be a Review site, and yes it became more than that. It became a place where various people bonded, the comment section became a place for conversation. People Including myself took pride in booking the first place for comments, and even declaring that we would be back, getting the 1st, 50th, 51st position etc became a friendly contest.

Hell we even had complete conversations on the comment section, and to counter that MS introduced the diary feature, which only went on to strengthen MS as a social place for so many.

Then came in the latest trend, and yes I am also guilty to a certain extend…I did it once or twice, and realized what a fool I was. But some people don’t quit.

MULTIPLE comments, one after the other…three of four in a row….why coz each comment is worth 5 points….so commenting on a review 5 times is 25 points!! Even though all that you have said could have been done in one comment…..but no it’s not about reading rating and commenting anymore……Its about POINTS

Points that will buy more gifts, and in turn you can get more gifts…right?? Isn’t that what it is all about???

If all I wanted to say was ‘ hey this was a great review…yada yada yada…you got the gist of it perfectly…yada yada yada, I love ur way of writing etc etc…..’ in one comment it probably makes sense = 5 points!!

But some people in the pursuit of all mighty POINTS go

Comment 1 . hey this was a great review

Comment 2, you got the gist of it perfectly

Comment 3 . I love ur way of writing

= 15 points

Another example:

I am reading

Still reading

oh by the way ...booked

Booked hahahahaha

I will be back

Later..I am sleepy

= 30 points

Real Value = 0

I am not pointing fingers here….but do me a favour and don’t do that on my reviews or my dairy posts….. no more multiple comments one after the other…they make no sense and are beyond ANNOYING to me.

If you feel offended coz I point out what you do, then as a free human being you can go on and boycott my reviews……

But the truth stands, that no one is as dumb to think that you are being productive when you use 5 comment spaces when all your comment is worth just one space!

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