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By: iyer.chandrashekar | Posted: Feb 11, 2016 | General | 140 Views

Lots of people have this question why Travel to India?'What has this country got to offer me?'.'

India is the world's second most populated country in the world with nearly 1.35 billion people and is set to overtake China's population in the next few years .

The people of India reflect the glories of India's past; the ancient civilizations, invasions, kings and rich culture. Passed down through generations are the ancient beliefs, foods, habits and other distinctly Indian mannerisms and it makes the people of India a fascinating race. All the places you go you discover such dramatic variations in culture, language, colour and ideologies that it is easy to feel like you are travelling to entirely new countries everyday where the fact is that you have only traveled a few miles

With thousands of years of rich history behind it, India has some rather spectacular buildings and structures like the beauty of the Taj Mahal or the massive size of Jodhpur Fort. Everywhere you go you'll discover something new and fascinating like a floating palace or a mysterious rat temple, and a short bus ride will msake you find something like the fascinating Ellora and Ajanta caves carved into a solid rock face

Indian food is another big plus. The food alone is reason enough to travel to India. Every region has a different dish which will make you even say that every family has a different way of cooking it Indians take their food very seriously and the cuisine, just like the country itself, is incredibly diverse.

Don't worry if you don't like Indian food because you can find western food in most places now

There's a saying in India, "Athithi Devo Bhava", which means "the guest is God". Indians consider it a huge honor to have guests in their home, and go out of their way to please them, hence try out a visit to India because No matter where you travel to in India, a keen sense of adventure follows you everywhere you go.

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