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Member Since:Dec 26, 2006
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Reviewed Aaj Tak
Started with much rigour during Doordarshan days, Aaj Tak has lost both its sheen and purpose. The only code of ethics remains is that of commercial profitabiRead more...
Cloudy Skies
Reviewed Tata Play
Its been more than a year now since I upgraded to Tata Sky. Initial response was Wow because of the quality of both picture and sound especially on an LCD TV.Read more...
Surfin' the Wave
Reviewed Bose Wave RadioCD
Ok, weve all heard and read about it. This piece is really costly. Way out of the normal league....but then its way out of its league truly. The black Read more...
High Performance LCD TV. Value for money!
Reviewed Samsung LA26R71B
With the DTH catching up and CAS becoming necessary, it was a hard choice to decide between the two, coupled with the need to replace my old tv. I checked ouRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on swatirohatgi's review
Commented on swatirohatgi's review
for some facts: during March, according to research firm NPD in the US, Nintendo’s Wii came top with 720,000 units. Microsoft sold 262,000 Xbox 360 consoles, ahead of Sony’s PlayStation 3 which found 257,000 customers
Commented on swatirohatgi's article
hi its good you are having a good time. enjoy and have fun.
sights and sounds of London
Commented on gonewithdwind's review
haven't seen the movie yet, but yes alzheimer's can strike at an early age. Known as Familial Alzheimer's disease, it can occur in the age group of 20-65 and is known to be about 5% of total patients of all forms of alzheimers disease.
nicely written review, but i doubt this can be a hit even in multiplxes in India, that considering it gets released!! Its good fun and would appear almost satirical in our society which harbours such issues in its underbelly and loves being a hypocrite to the hilt
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