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Member Since:Jul 19, 2001
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Hell with BCCI
Reviewed M. Azharuddin
Its high time for indian people to think about indian players who wrongly implicated in matchfixing. Just Look around the world, execpt indian players, Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Followed atish87
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Rated on varun's review
Commented on fart's review
What kind proofs they shown against azhar. If the evidences r strong enough they might have been approched court of law rather than publiching the report. Have u seen the CBI Report . I know all u peoples just reading the speculations and making comments on it. Indains More Selfish then any other i Read More...
Rated on fart's review
Commented on swanand's review
Finally u said punishments from court of law. Who approched the court BCCI or CBI. Azhar approched the court and let the court say who is guilty. Marck Waugh and Shain warne admitted that they have taken money from book maker, but u people still saying that they r Great Cricketrs. Shame on U!!! Azh Read More...
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Commented on papun's review
Exactly Correct , its up to the court to say he is guilty or not. Neither CBI nor Madhaven has any legal Standies to declare punishments. After CBI Completed there probe into the match fixing the Report was submitted to Attorny General of India, he said suspesions can't form evidence and if CBI Form Read More...
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Followed amrita
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Commented on sudhanva's review
If he found guilty before the court of law he must be punished, becoz Court of law knows what kind of evidence can prove the guy is guilty or not . Still he is accuesed of match fixing. According to court of law Accuesed must not be punished untill proven guilty don't u know. We not even given sin Read More...
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