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Member Since:Nov 17, 2002
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I am a Licensed Registered Dietitian who was responsible for over 300 patients for 11 years. I refer to my work, like the Movie ''Referring Henry'' or something like that. I ''HAD ENOUGH'' one day after 11 years of 14 hour days, I had enough and turned in my resignation. I've had 31 years of the profession. I taught college...teaching nutrition to Nursing students...that's like ''fighting the Arab, Israeli war'' everyday. Nurses really are not concerned with Nutrition, the class was difficult, it was ''Let Me Entertain You'' to hold their attention. I taught over 1000 nursing students and then that was enough. Again moved on to Head Start, Meals-on-Wheels, Congregate Meals program etc. Nutrition is a fantastic field, but don't believe that I've never fed my children TV dinners. When my first husband was a surgery resident in the hospital, there were many a night after working 2 jobs, that they ate TV dinners. My son is married now and is 33. He is an investment banker in San Francisco. They have two beautiful kids. My daughter is married and will graduate law school this year. She has two dogs . She taught high school before deciding on law school. He went to Amherst and she went to Haverford, so I guess the TV dinners didn't hamper their brain cells. What qualifies as good nutritional practices....it varies each and every day and their is no one answer. Good nutrition it is a lifetime experience. Dietetics is a field that I got into by accident and fell right into the profession of my choice. Good accident. Nutrition, cooking, working on projects like a special cookbook, using my imac to make movies and slide shows. Like learning as much as I can about the imac x, as I just got one. I enjoy learning and reading. I added my home page, but unless you are on aol, you can't get it. If on aol...type what I put, then when the page comes up...click on edit on the top of the page...next page comes up and it gives three choices, click on VIEW....then read and at the bottom, click on my pictures. if they don't come up, may need to click on from my camera..?? screwy page. The picture you see is me and my grandson.
About Me
Education: Masters/Clinical Nutrition
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Followed meleahk1 , fatcat
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Well, written and thought out, must have been a lot of work, and each piece of equipment is rated for their own pros and cons. That's what I look for. Thanks
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