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Member Since:Aug 13, 2009
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About Me
Food and Drinks: Wadaa pav, MaazaMovie Stars: Hate moviesMovies: time wasteT.V. Shows: Not interestedMusic: Michael jacksonQuotes: Not so smart for this place
Food and Drinks: Wadaa pav, Maaza
Movie Stars: Hate movies
Movies: time waste
T.V. Shows: Not interested
Music: Michael jackson
Quotes: Not so smart for this place
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Hero Honda Hunk or Honda Unicorn
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
I am going to purchase a bike in next month. After reading so many reviews on MS, still confuse to go for which one. I want buy 150cc range bike. My criteria Read more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on bajwakanwal's review
i will also go for Hero Honda HUNK instead of honda unicorn.... ...................
Commented on pradnyankur_25's review
Dear Friend, Thinks for sharing your experience on Mouthshut. I am also planing to buy a bike with in a month. and after reading so many reviews here and specially your's i had made my mind to go for Hunk. It was already in my choice list just below unicorn. but now i had decided to to go f Read More...
Commented on own review
First of all let me thanks you all for your comments. And finally i had made up my mind to go for Hunk. But before that i wouuld like to know about its Mileage. In city and on Highway to.
Dear All, Finally I had ended on maruti esteem. I had made my mind to go for it. I want to buy a maruti esteem second hand so any one here want to sell can leve comments. also would like you comments on this topic and any more information about this car will be a good advice for me. so friends le Read more...
Commented on arya4u8's review
thanks for your review. i was going for this bike but will not go now cause bad points are not avoidable.
Commented on own article
Please Waiting for more comments.
Need your advise.
Commented on redpearl75's review
hey, Did you got your Avenger. Friend i need your experience about it. mileage, performence, etc. please reply to this and how much is it's price in mumbai.
Followed Ajay_1977
Dear Mr.AJAY_1977, Dear Mr.AJAY_1977, Thanks for your valuable comment. I had gon through many reviews about stunner that it vibrates above 80km and unicorn mono shocker frankly dont know much about it. will u pls explain.
(Updated Aug 17, 2009)
Dear All, I am planing to buy a bike. So please help me with your experience. I am looking for better mileage and looks. Cost of bike dosnt matter as we have to pay only once.(limit 80k). Along with that comfirt is also imp as had to drive long. So please suggest me a nice bike which has gr8 Read more...
Commented on syed_atif's review
Superb review Friend.... But u didn't mentioned the price.
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