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Member Since:Apr 22, 2011
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Attn: Mr.Anil Ambani, Why are you cheating poor ?
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
I opted for reliance mobile CDMA as my father told me it is one of the best service provider, and now he is not using in the village. Since August 2011 I am fRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on bharat80_shah's review
Commented on bharat80_shah's review
Good sales man selling death to public ! You better go to hell !!
Commented on SIRJEE's review
eat home cooked food and do some good exercise, why do you want to waste money on these products ?
Rated on hellcaretaker's review
Commented on madymos's review
'Sonia' alias 'Ajit's shoe licker' , why is the issue deflected towards a competitor ? You have no ba.ll.s to accept the fact that Quest sucks in HR and salary levels are worst among the industry standard (stingiest) ? How much do you get for lic.k.ing ajit's shoes ?
Rated on NAVED884's review
Rated on pgnsiva's review
Rated on jeetus2's review
Rated on palteaban's review
Rated on milen_vijayan's review
There’s some commissions given for awards, recently Ajit offered $5000 (roughly Rs.2,25,000/-) for award from Sullivan & Frost. John Sidharth of Frost & Sullivan was disgusted as he knows Aravind and Ajit since some time. Normally for such facilitation a soft fee of $25000 upwards is expecte Read More...
Rated on madymos's review
Commented on questwellwisher's review
QuEST ------------ Born to LIE Born to make CEO rich Born to obey Sonia Kutty Born to take less wages Born to be laid-off Born to listen to fakery of CEO Born to live in slavery
Commented on Guru_infy's review
Rated on ajit_prabhu's review
Commented on ajit_prabhu's review
Pravin w/o any doubt has contributed to qUest in a big way , but it was also b’cos of foxy nature of Ajit. Ajit stole many things from GE R&D centre in USA, many classified stuff was also stolen by his team who were also based in other GE locations who had pre-planned to quit GE. That’s the reas Read More...
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