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Member Since:Mar 15, 2007
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Hawkins Futura ROCKS!
Reviewed Hawkins Futura Pressure Cooker
The only pressure cooker in the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Ive been using the 3 litre futura for 3 years now and Ive never had any problems Read more...
Crappy service at Cafe Churchill
Reviewed Cafe Churchill - Colaba - Mumbai
Yesterday I took mom to Churchill Cafe and you know what?   I had been there previously with my australian boyfriend and thought it was alright. So I took mRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Not gonna happen. I've heard of this sort of treatment from lots of other people. And to be truthful the kind of food they're trying to pass off as western cuisine or whatever is not a fair representation thereof. I know because I live in New Zealand and eat the 'real thing' everyday. The only W Read More...
- oh and before I forget, just one more thing -happy cooking ofcourse!!
In response to nagesh_nb 1. I'm not advertising the product. I've written my experience with it. 2. I don't think its heavy (dude I'm 5'5' 120lbs and I can hold the thing in my left hand when there's food in it) if you think its heavy fine eat more protein or whatever. Your debilitating lack Read More...
Rated on Houdamissingbombay's review
Commented on Houdamissingbombay's review
And don't get me started on the flippin cakes they're not slices they're microscopic section, at 60 rs a pop its not worth it. You're better off going to Theobroma.
Rated on neodino's review
Rated on amohit's review
Rated on nagesh_nb's review
Commented on nagesh_nb's review
I think there may be two reasons for this occurance 1. The product was scratched/ damaged in the shop and on being exposed to hard water (not a good idea to leave water in any cooker) was corroded. 2. You were ripped of with a fake item. I think no. 2 is the more likely reason.
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