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Andhra Pradesh
Member Since:Feb 06, 2007
0 MS Points
A simple and sensible man of moderate intelligence. I trust in God's purpose for every person (and that includes me). I believe He's in total control. I love some about myself and try to better a part me. I love influencing people for the better. I do it quietly. People who are proud, snobbish are confined only to pleasantries. Writing, Watching Tennis, Thinking of human life and its vagaries;
About Me
Education: BA; CELTA
Food and Drinks: World Cuisine :) Books: The Silence of Adam The Prize The Second LadyMovie Stars: Kamal HasanMovies: NayaganMusic: Phil Collins
Food and Drinks: World Cuisine :)
Books: The Silence of Adam The Prize The Second Lady
Movie Stars: Kamal Hasan
Movies: Nayagan
Music: Phil Collins
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Rediff Shopping - I feel CHEATED!
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
Please dont be fooled by the attractive pictures and description of products on Rediff Shopping. Apart from being left with a very painful feeling that Read more...
Great Style, Good Performance & a few Glitches
Reviewed Kinetic SYM Flyte
How did it all happen! As our anniversary approached, I started looking for a new scooter for my wife who has been riding on a faithful (but really old) 92 mRead more...
The stinking liquid under a soft-drink mask
Reviewed Mirinda Sorbet
Just like I always do, I just hopped into a supermarket close home only with one product on my mind. The new Mirinda Sorbet. My wife mockingly chuckled as I bRead more...
New Xeta 2007 - a BIG car for small money
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
I bought the New 2007 Indica Xeta (GLS - Salsa Red) from Autofin in Hyderabad on 2nd February 2007. 2 days later, I drove the car to my home town, which is ovRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on surbhi.solanki's review
Commented on own review
It's 2014 and the current rage is e-commerce. Indian buyers have begun taking to it like fish to water. Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon and a dozen other online shopping biggies are busy calculating their profits already. Foreign investors are competing to fund these promising ventures. But RediffShoppin Read More...
Rated on RAJESH.SINHA's review
Commented on kartishutup's review
Hi Congratulations on your new acquisition. Could you share the expected cost for each service (Free and Paid). What is the warranty kilometers/period of Suzuki Hayate? Also, what was the on-road price you paid? I heard Suzuki's gear-box (especially in the Sling Shot model) was giving problem Read More...
Rated on kartishutup's review
Commented on ankur_kiet's review
Good decision in not buying a Tata. A few years ago, I too went in for a Indica Xeta because of good specs (on paper) with cheap price tag. I regret having not bought a Santro for a bit more. I guess in buying a car what matters most is the quality of engineering and not just looks or other cosme Read More...
Commented on abhispin's review
Nice approach to buying the car Abhi. Please post your updates too and be as unbiased as possible, especially regarding the 'not so goods'. That's what makes MS a more reliable place to support decision-making. Happy cruising!
Rated on abhispin's review
Rated on mindulka's review
Commented on nsuyog's review
Honda Activa is certainly riding too much on their brand equity. It may not be too long for Suzuki and Mahindra to overtake them in sales and popularity. The writing on the wall is clear for HMSI to wake up.
Commented on sarikatundele's review
If you think the health problem was purely due to the poor shock absorbers of Activa, I'd suggest you go for a legal proceeding and seek cover for your treatment expenses and more.
Rated on prabhakarchow's review
Commented on prabhakarchow's review
QuestNet is a cursed business proposition. Eearning money may be possible if the IR manages to cheat enough into it but it's not easy. Even to such earning, there's a big curse attached. Let no one get into it unless they'd like to be cursed for generations.
Followed kumar17 , dr.niranjan , mira.gopal
Rated on ogamadam's review
Commented on ogamadam's review
This member is talking about some business skill that QuestNet Independent Representatives (IR) possess and others do not. The only thing that these guys possess is the skill to make about 16 foolish victims (who they call downlines) cough up Rs 33,000 each (US$ 720.00 approx) for some worthless pro Read More...
Rated on dr.niranjan's review
Rated on mira.gopal's review
Rated on lalitahujajaipur's review
Commented on lalitahujajaipur's review
Lalit, the initial review sounded like an attempt only to de-stress by expressing anger and not genuine feedback that a prospective buyer like me would look for. However, when I read your response to the comments and noticed the data, it sounded much better. Not always does one read all the comments Read More...
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Myrl Mitchell (@MyrlMouthShut Verified Member)
Misbah Qadri (@misbahqadri92MouthShut Verified Member)
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Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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