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Member Since:Jan 28, 2006
0 MS Points
. full time life insurance agent based in vijayawada (A. P)
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Hdfc ulip
Reviewed HDFC Life Insurance
Kindly remember any ulip (unit linked life insurance policy from any company dies not work for you in first 3 policy years due to charges like policy allocatiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on ssss727's review
dear all ! very unhappy to read , in my own experience , better take a term plan plus good equity mutual funds for long term in SIP mode. understand life insurance polices are for risk covarage only, for tax saving ELSS are really good with a lock in period of 3 years only. thanks for this ser Read More...
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Rated on ISHEK19831's review
Commented on Dinesh_1976r's review
yes because the charges are 70 % of your annual premium in the first year. if you have opened your policy bond, you May be finding it. the best option at that tim was a FREELOOK period, u can surrender the policy and receive your full money.
Rated on Dinesh_1976r's review
Commented on ramachandravv's review
dear all, 5 years ago every one believed every one.Let us learn this hard lesson from these companies. names, places or the amount may be small or big.most of the policyholders lost money. sofrom today, atleast let us all read the fine print. all good luck!
Rated on ramachandravv's review
Commented on john368's review
dear all as i am working in the above foolish co..i want to share one silly thing. these fools call the policyholders before the due date for renewals and in each call they say today is the las date. when contacted these fool told me that somany polices have already LAPSED, so this trick for the Read More...
Commented on vishalsinghm27's review
sir, with all the documents like original policy bond, death certificate, nominees discharge letter duly signed etc.. visit the lic office and meet the branch manager. next step is visit the reginoal are H. O of your dist.. for help.. you can also get help from lic CRO .
Commented on ganesh884's review
YES, every word is true. They all think and work in most unproffessional way i ever saw. the front office smart lady is advising a 65 year old person for a ulip policy by surrending the present ulip from the same company. What a pity ! that old is thinking that office is SBI bank !!!!!
Rated on ganesh884's review
Commented on rachit85's review
yes.every word is true. i believe others can learn from this pain before loosing money.
Rated on rachit85's review
Commented on arjunreddy22's review
yes, but remember one thing almost common in cases like this, there is NO help from the sales agent or so called relationship managers of banks, who are the real BENEFICARIES of these ulips.
Rated on arjunreddy22's review
Commented on ursveer's review
yes, every word is true. this is the same fate for their other ULIP, children dream plan and dream plan. thanks for this service
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