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Member Since:Sep 11, 2009
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Reviewed City Limouzines
Just now went to Hyderabad office and found that the Office is locked and closed. Notice is put that since the staff is feeling insecured they have closed theRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on adi09's review
Dear Azadkot, Thanks for your comments. Please know that i didnt get any single benefit from City to write this review. Even i have taken loan from bank like others. If u have gone through all the comments..u wd know that i am stopping bank emi from next month. Who is selfish? Me?? U must also Read More...
krscity, Thanks for your comments. Well at least, Masood has approached the court for settlement with investors legally. He didnt fly away. Right? Do you think court wd allow him to go away without paying a single penny to its investors??
Fine..i got it. But if things are ok with City, who forced it to stop his business and return back the balance principle of the investors with 7% interest?. Who forced city to stop schemes, reduce interest rates? EOW, COURT, WHO??
Commented on salim2009's review
Salim, Buffy, i totally agree with you guys. Court order was to conduct meeting on 15th Oct also. Then how can police doesn't give permission saying such meeting is illegal? High court order is illegal????? My God!! Even City informed police of meeting at the last moment..Why?? Something reall Read More...
Commented on masterz's review
What next?? Has he been arrested?? Do u really think if State govt of Maharshtra take up this case...something good wd happen? At least, City told in the meeting that they are starting payment within 3 months....Now this sort of things wd complicate the case more and more resulting in delay of pay Read More...
Rated on masterz's review
Commented on alam132's review
Sindbad..did u attend meeting? I called Prasad mahtre..and he told that we would start getting payments within 3 months...Did anyone ask the exact date when its going to start? Someone told PDCs would be sent by courier?? Plz confirm
Commented on rajlondhe's review
Rinku, Situation is a bit serious in Hyderabad... Police seized office of City here...broke the lock...took customer files...cheque books..computers.... So, we all are tensed out here
Thanks for the information....But can u explain in simple words?? I dont understand legal words mere bhai
Rated on rajlondhe's review
Commented on khushi208's review
Well, let me also join ur group. I just gave a thought to whole process. 14 years the company is in market..never faultered. 5 lakhs coutomers..so many stars on belt...producer of chake de movie..incredible india...sponsorer of Indian women's hockey team....ISO 9000 company...Lets hope for the best. Read More...
Commented on sonu151981's review
Commented on rraghav123's review
Hi Rahul, Thanks for the update. Plz confirm whether the meeting on 20th Sep ( SUNDAY) is arranged by investors themselves or the notice of meeting has been fixed by City Limo management??
Commented on rraghav387's review
srinirengaraj...what do u mean?? Plz explain if bank gives notice..we wd give city agreement?? What do u mean??
Hee hee hee hee!! I am inspired..... When bank would come and insult you in your house or office , in front of relatives , neighbours, and colleagues...then u understand...
Rated on rraghav387's review
Commented on cool1953's review
Anil, ur right...i agree with u....But why is company so so so silent...Only God knows..someone is telling Masood is arrested....someone is saying to be patient...Suddenly company closes offices all over on pretext of security threat...No response from them at all. 7th October meeting is not told to Read More...
Rated on cool1953's review
Commented on jas81's review
Cityinvestor....ur in Delhi...Why dont u directly go to Prime Minister's or President's office. They should also know the problem.If they came in picture..only then this problem can be solved easily. Whats the situation in Delhi??
Cityinestor....Masood didnt shut down Hyderabad office. In anticipation of the problems well in advace, the magaer vikas has closed down the office thinking about the staff safety. They were issueing cheques and telling customers that all the problems would be solved by 15th Sep. But when that Read More...
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