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Member Since:Mar 03, 2002
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Friendly. Games Reviews Books Running
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Education: MBA
Books: ValkyrieMovie Stars: Akshay KumarMovies: Sirf TumMusic: Bollywood, Raga, Pop
Books: Valkyrie
Movie Stars: Akshay Kumar
Movies: Sirf Tum
Music: Bollywood, Raga, Pop
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Cindy's article
Martyrs You live forever... Yes, they are the heroes and always be in people's heart... God bless Us all...
3 Cheers for the Brave Warriors
Followed Cindy
Commented on jhintu's review
Love the see life... I have to add these beautiful places in my tour of India... for sure... Thanks for the nice information...
Rated on jhintu's review
Commented on shrikant.sirsi's review
Nice information provided, thanks for sharing such an article... So nice of you...
Commented on own article
Your feedback on storyline Give me your suggestions on how to make this story a real fiction. What to add more to make it a real wonderland story... Critics are welcome...
The Girl From Wonderland - Intro
Synopsis : A young girl from another outer space world thrown to real world for her first and last mistake. She finds herself in a vast desert, totally puzzled but she knows how to survive. Characters : Ravesha (The Wonderland Girl) Steve Nick (Desert Hunter) Grahi (Shaman) Kara (Witch) Daran (The W Read more...
Commented on magicalsummer's review
Well, they tried to make a Hollywood style movie. Anyway, what they had produced was just a crap and nobody liked the storyline and characters... Amit jee did good job as he is purely professional...
Rated on magicalsummer's review
Commented on surya008's article
Lolz It just happened... Chinese language has fixed syllables,,, Only chinese names can be pronounced exactly... And that's why... lol
The Why "Spider" Series - 27
Commented on rafeda123's review
Well said Failal... I have a such a great experience shopping at malls, I love to hop around...
Rated on rafeda123's review
Rated on bublu4hbk's review
Commented on sokool_m's review
Excellent revu, I am a fan of wrestling since Matric day... You have provided enough explanation on the WWE...
Rated on sokool_m's review
Followed punam4punam , jithinrj , BitterCharm , nidhi1
Commented on jithinrj's review
Ya, you said it correct... Good to read... I have 5220 and it's a nice phone...
Well done, very nice information, I have this model and sound quality is really amazing... Thanks...
Rated on jithinrj's review
Salam, Namaste, Hi... Dear visitors, Look how senior I am and I have nothing added so far... I dont know how I got attached to this website way back in March 2002... I paid few visits though those were just nothing but to give self-surety that my account might be active... lol Today, I rec Read more...
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