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Member Since:Sep 14, 2009
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EPHRM Course IIMC through HNGE
Reviewed Hughes Global Education
I am thinking of doing EP HRM course through HNGE IIMC. I submitted the docs on 10 April 2010 (hurriedly), as 10 April was last date. Yesterday (20 May 2010 Read more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on jb007's review
Great Comments, Mr Shanta Then why the Admission Result are not made Public? How many applied? How many got selected? What was the admission criteria etc. ?
Commented on infinitearora's review
Good review about HNGE and IIM. THANKS a LOT.. I have some questions. 1.)Did you got any offer letter for the admission. ? After which you would have paid the fees ? 2.) Did you got the degree/certificate through IIM? Was this a painful experience ? Regards
Commented on shreyaahuja's review
Hi Can you elaborate, which course did u took, when and how was the interaction with the Staff. What difficulties did you face.
Commented on RaviAngel's review
Hi i am thinking to persue EPHRM course from HNGE and submitted the docs . they sended me mail that I have been selected, but did not sended the offer letter. They are directly asking for the fees. I am very confused to join or not ?
Commented on own article
Vensa Roray No I Did not go for it. Looks like Builder is not very good. They promised for Feb End and today is 18 May 2010 It still not handed over. Also the quality is also not very best.
Vensa Royal
Vensa Royal I didn't bought. It was good Decision/ They told me possession bye Jan End. Not its Mid of April. It still under Construction, althoufh in Last stages. Are you plannig to buy
Vensa Royal (Venkat sai Properties)
Rated on deepashpuri's review
Hi, I am planning to Buy a flat in bangalore . The apartment name is Vensa Royal on the HSR Layout and is under construction right now. Its from Venkat Sai Builders. They are basically from Hyderabad... If any body has an idea about these builder , about their construction quality. What are thi Read more...
Commented on vimaljain.ind's review
YOu are a Dumbo. You have given your details to an unknow person, and now u are blaming Citibank. U are responsible for you state
HI , I am planning to Buy a flat in Vensa royal, An up coming project from Venkata Sai properties, around HSR layout, bangalore. If any body has an idea about the builder please tell me.. regards Kumar Read more...
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