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Member Since:Sep 27, 2002
0 MS Points
I am Ajay Naik, A creative mind at work (that is what I call myself). I am a Software Professional as well as a Musician, I am a lyricist and a composer as well..... Please visit my website and u will know about me in detail!. Music lists the top in my interests. Followed by that other Interests are writing poems, literature, making new friends ! <b>Artists</b> R.D. Burman, Asha Bhosale, Kishor Kumar, Phil collins, Madonna, Remo Fernandes, Jagjit Singh, A.R. Rehman
About Me
Education: Masters in Computer Management
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Bangalore...is it really happening?
Reviewed Bangalore
Bangalore....the Happening City....this is what all people say about it. And to some extent this is what attracts people to this city ! But let me tell you BRead more...
Gulzar....the poet with a substance
Reviewed Ten Best Lyrics of Gulzar
I bet all those who like Pancham like Gulzar too(Pancham ke saath Gulzar free offer!). If you have listened to any of Gulzars narrations, you will underRead more...
Pancham...the 5th Note ...the 6th Element !
Reviewed Twenty Best Songs of R.D. Burman
Earlier, Mother Nature had 5 elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space. But then it gave birth to the 6th Element.Pancham. The name Pancham itself suggesteRead more...
Reviewed Josh - TV Serial
Hello friends, I am not a regular audience for Teleserials, but I liked the approach of the serial Josh on Star Plus, every friday night. Though there is nothRead more...
Mirchi with Khichri
Reviewed Radio Mirchi
Radio Mirchi, 93.9 FM, thats what it plays on in Pune. Well Pune is still getting hot and copying its elder sister Mumbai as far as Entertainment is concernedRead more...
The best Marathi Channel
Reviewed Alpha TV - Marathi
Alpha TV marathi is no doubt the best Marathi channel on TV today! It really understands the Marathi manoos! Surf the channel at any time of the day and you wRead more...
Arts Education and Scope in Pune
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
I am born and brought up in Pune and have also been active in the Pune Professional music circle for almost 8 yrs. Regarding the Arts in Pune, Pune UniversitRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
I do not intend to hurt the feelings of any Bangalorean..but this is what I have experienced. I was pushed out of a STD booth near Vidhan Souda by the owner as I spoke to him in Hindi...further my cable operator says 'Go to Pune if you want to watch MArathi Channel'...Is this Cosmopolitan culture... Read More...
Commented on balagi's review
Speak about Bangalore minus the Pubs and the Software cities..then one will understand how cities like Mumbai,Pune are far far better than Bangalore....the reason...'They offer life for every segment of the society'
Commented on kamal_ash's review
Hi there ! I think the word 'classique' would be better than 'classical', bcos Kishore Kumar was not a trained classical singer, and we cannot call hima Classical Singer. But the selection of your songs is good and they fit in the 'Classique' category. Please rectify me if I am wrong! With War Read More...
Commented on teena_sri's review
That's the way aha aha I like it...these lines are from the song 'One 2 cha cha cha from RD' and this is what I want to say about ur choice of songs ! It shows that you are seriously in love with RD and have dipped tonnes of fathoms deep in the RD Ocean somewhat like myself and my friend madlaly Read More...
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