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Member Since:Nov 26, 2008
0 MS Points
......................................................................................:). Biking crossword Suduko sports
About Me
Education: Masters
Food and Drinks: Sea food Books: Alchemist,Culture Code,Autobiography of a Yogi,R.K.LaxmanMovie Stars: Amitabh Bachchan,Slyvester Stallone,Meryl Streep,Julia RobertsMovies: Rocky T.V. Shows: Roadies and Comedy Music: Rock ,sufi, Heavy Metal,Quotes: Live and Let Live
Food and Drinks: Sea food
Books: Alchemist,Culture Code,Autobiography of a Yogi,R.K.Laxman
Movie Stars: Amitabh Bachchan,Slyvester Stallone,Meryl Streep,Julia Roberts
Movies: Rocky
T.V. Shows: Roadies and Comedy
Music: Rock ,sufi, Heavy Metal,
Quotes: Live and Let Live
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Panasonic ES4306
Reviewed Panasonic ES4036
We are almost in the middle of winter. Remember the first splash of cold water on your face and you get a hair-raising experience. Beard becomes stiff and wanRead more...
The Devil Wears Prada
Reviewed Movies & Specials
This movie is a sinfully funny, deliciously glossy take on the 2003 best seller by Lauren Weisberger, j Just out of college, with aspirations to be a writer,Read more...
Reviewed Emami Navratna Hair Oil
Almost everyone have written what I feel but I will still write a review cause this oil is truly amazing. This oil is ayurvedic oil and formulated by RabindrRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Followed Diana_Williams
Rated on avi550m's review
Commented on xNJx's review
Hi Jacob 'black water is my pick'You have done justice to Deep Purple's music by writing such an apt review.Kudos.
Followed xNJx
Commented on Diana_Williams's review
I liked the review though I know how good Steve Martin acts. Your comments were also good.
Commented on b_mobarez's article
Hi again Terrific.That's infact the best way
The best way to learn and improve your self is;
Hi Good one and true!Keep posting.
Domestic dogs vary wild dogs
Followed b_mobarez
Commented on udaya_valli's review
Hi Valli, Terrific post.I was thinking of getting into yoga once I return.Nice one. Give me more on such info
Commented on aaryesdee's article
Good Evening Sir, your post reflects your sentiments. I can only say,I salute you for recognising efforts of the armed forces.
Open letter to Mr Unnikrishnan'
Commented on own review
I don't think it was intended to be funny.Strange that you expected comedy.
Commented on rapunzel's article
G'Evening Padma People who criticize and complain constantly often think that they're serving some kind of public interest. By pointing out to everyone what's wrong with them and the world in general, they hope to improve things. It may be a comforting thought, but it's just plain wrong.
Critically evaluating a critic
Commented on Sidz_B's review
Rating 5 star for the review.Best review on Madagascar so far
Rated on Sidz_B's review
Followed srinivaskatam , Annlee
Commented on Shalu.D's article
hi Arrey mamu kya item dala hai.Diary posts ki toh members waat lagadete hain.Jhakkas post dekha bahut dinon baad.Kudos shalu enjoyed it.
Bhai ka Resume!
Commented on neilesh's review
Gosh if it was so bad go ahead and complain in the consumer court.U can even do it online these days. why take the nonsense they give for your hard earned money?
Rated on neilesh's review
Commented on dwijenjhaveri's review
Yes,automatic gears are def not for indian roads and vintage car experience is totally awesome.
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