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Member Since:Nov 02, 2010
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Nothing to beat Chevy CRUZE in D segment in India
Reviewed Chevrolet Cruze 2012
I bought a Cruze LTZ Automatic last week. I finalized this car after several months of test drive, reading reviews and discussing with owners of Altis, Cruze,Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on jayesh.lohana's review
I feel this was a comment...
Rated on jayesh.lohana's review
Commented on slatix's review
Thanks for sharing this... These problems can be a nightmare... Problems can happen with any car. The real problem are the authorized workshops with badly trained staff... The scenario is same with most of other companies... I had Hyundai, Maruti, Skoda... All have same quality of workmanship and kn Read More...
Rated on slatix's review
Commented on Sachin.Kapoor's review
I agree with you that Civic is no comparison to Cruze. My brother drives a Laura and no doubt the built quality of Laura is much better, but when it comes to engine performance, Cruze is far better.
Rated on Sachin.Kapoor's review
Commented on rahulmeh77's review
My advice is that the problem is not in the car but with you. Please get some medical help before selling the car, you may like it!
Good review also I think this would be of good help to the buyer's of D segment cars
Rated on stephenhp's review
Commented on own review
Please let me clarify that I am not a sales man or an agent of Cheverolet but purely a Cruze Fan, ethusiastic and happy with the decision of buying Cruze LTZ AT! Also all my statements were my observations & experience after buying this car last week.
Commented on cbvignesh12345's review
I think you should have brought a SX 4 it would have been more cheaper and comfortable !!!! Your friend didn't recommend for cruze because he did not want you to buy a good car. Now unfortunately he has won and you have lost... On owning a good car and on road !!!
Rated on vickyraghav's review
Commented on vickyraghav's review
i think you must have been misguided to buy a Tata indigo with a Cruze badge... !!! I donot agree at all with your comarision with Altis.
Rated on prankey's review
Commented on prankey's review
Your review looks extremely biased. I think the sales man was decent that he only argued but didn't do anything worse when you compared Alto and SX-4 with Cruze... !!!
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