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Member Since:May 25, 2008
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A workhorse. Simple, yet smart.
Reviewed Nikon D70 - Photographic Cameras
Think of entry level D SLRs, think of D 70. The advanced D70s is indeed a better one. Not available any more from stores but in E Bay at reasonable cost. The Read more...
Good product in bad hands
Reviewed Su-Kam Pure Sine Wave
I have handled several other brands of inverters and for Sukam what I can say is- overall, a good product, at least not bad when compared with competitive braRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
You are correct. As a matter of fact, if all buyers of Su Kam could have enough time, these companies would have to stop all functioning to accomodate their court dates only. For last five weeks, I am waiting for their service engineer to attend a flaw in my machine. On every one of my ten calls to Read More...
Please, see that your trade pertners in small places or your service personnel give true importance to your buyers and listenn to them. See that instead of just 'making the buyer understand,' they try to find and shoot the true troble of the sets. Mind it, there are buyers who understand technicalit Read More...
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