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Member Since:Feb 10, 2008
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Elbee Snail Courier
Reviewed Elbee Express Courier
This is the worst part of any online shopping experience. Waiting for your goods to be delivered to you. Recently my zippos flint got damaged and beingRead more...
Iphone (breaking the myth)
Reviewed Apple iPhone
Im writing this a lot late then I should have(almost a year late!) but what the heck I dont have much to do! While going through rating and revieRead more...
This worst movie watching experience SeventyMM
Reviewed Seventymm
I have been having a nightmarish experience with customer support who has been giving me different excuses each time I call up to enquire about the status of Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on vijaypadiyar's review
Seriously they suck big time. I don't know why companies like ICICI, Indiaplaza... are using it? Its ultimately ruining the whole experience because of the shoddy service of elbee.
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
Commented on mevoid's review
how come you write review without exploring any tweak install http://code.google.com/p/iphonebrowser/downloads/list It will show all your iphone harddisk data add/remove any file you want. install iphone video recorder to record videos. ring tones- you can have any number if you have a mac ot Read More...
Commented on bosemithun's review
Mithun I'll only say one thing ... play around with the settings of the phone and install apps like seekpod on you phone and you will see what iphone is capable of :) On windows install iphone browser- it will show you your iphone and you can change add files. iTunes -- you should install seekpod Read More...
What was Steve jobs thinking when he introduced iphone 2.0 day before yesterday? For a person using Iphone in India for a long time this update means nothing nothing at all. 1) App store --- I already have Installer 2) 3G --- The speculation of 3G being launched in India has been going on from 20 Read more...
Commented on madhudvs's review
I agree with all but these 2:- 'typing messages is a bit difficult of the touch screen ' -- you will get used to it so much, that in a few days you will start to touch the screen to type, whenever you see one. It happened to me, when I came back to home after a weeks holiday and I was trying to to Read More...
Commented on rajvananu's review
:) good to have you on the other side where people have iphones :) But what kind of software do the gray market people put for 500 bucks which you cannot install yourself using installer/cydia ?? And did you say you gave them money to unlock ??? Why Why Why??? haven't you heard of winpwn/ziph Read More...
Commented on own review
Hmmm i’m now somehow used to the soft touch of the touchscreen... :) IPhone has some advantages like accelerometer, large touchscreen and gr8 processor & ram. Its up to the game makers on how to use them. I agree its lacking the hard keys but maybe it’ll make use of soft keys instead. I am jus Read More...
Commented on sudipmaitra's review
I don't know why is battery life so much of a concern to you :- switch of wifi and edge unless you need them.. that is what you would have done with other phones... and it will work as ipod for 19 hr or as a phone for 8 hr .... that is what i normally get out of my iphone
Commented on akshayejoshi's review
For you i'll give a better option buy an iphone and buy a small pocket radio :D I honestly feel (because i've been using it) its a far better phone (especially my hacked version) than your any alternative phone like motorola rokr e6 !! And try getting it from us it's just 18K with taxes and Read More...
This was the first time but does it matter ?? For a service which is being charged at Rs 50 per movie(which by the way was in VCD format, not even a DVD) + 499 deposit I really consider this a shoddy service.
Rated on vizzmedia's review
Commented on vizzmedia's review
True to the core when a novice write reviews. When there are millions of missing iPhone(supposedly hacked) are working fine. You write such a review !!!. As for the pricing who told you to buy from grey market without even bargaining. :) You can stay away from iPhone while i'll enjoy it :D chee Read More...
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Mukii patel (@patelmukii94MouthShut Verified Member)
Amrendra N Srivastava (@Amar786iMouthShut Verified Member)
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Aneel Khokhar (@aneelkhokhar27MouthShut Verified Member)
Madhu Madhesh (@madhu270495MouthShut Verified Member)
Aarushi (@aarushimeMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 40
Sayalee Agrawal (@SayaleeAgrawal258MouthShut Verified Member)