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Member Since:Mar 21, 2006
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Lakme eyeliner
Reviewed Lakme Eye Makeup
Is it just me or is anyone else allergic to this product? I have used other Lakme products (lipsticks, nail polish, kajal pencil etc. ) for ages and decided tRead more...
Reviewed Bangalore
Like any other Indian city Bangalore suffers from the 4 vices 1) Roads 2) Water 3) Electricity 4) Airport Does that mean we need to write off Bangalore ?Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on cadbury's review
Luv ur style of writing. Its awesome!!! I loved the Lakme review too..Go girl....
Rated on cadbury's review
Commented on spookaay's review
ha ha trust spookay to go where the chiks go... like they say what doesnt kill me can only make me stronger.. same goes for makeup...
since the beginning of time. Most guys I know still hump anything in sight lol nice review though. But I got to say if I were one of the aforesaid cavewomen you would be clubbed on a daily basis sugarplum.. lol.. kiddin..
Commented on tesmarao's review
It doesnt matter who makes them. Ultimately there are only 2 kinds of cosmetics- whats good for your skin and what isnt. Its debatable whether women should wear makeup. Personally I like to have fun with my makeup like matching my eyeshadow to my blouse, my lipstick to my nail polish. Cosmetics are Read More...
Commented on own review
Well when I meant other cities, I wasnt just talking about other cities in India. Growth brings prosperity but with it also comes overcrowding and all the other issues I talked about. In my view, when you add it all up, pretty much any big city ends up being the same. Its best to just pick one and s Read More...
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