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Member Since:Aug 14, 2005
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A little wild, a bit of whacky and a wanderer with a crazy zest for life!. Travel, Writing, Networking, Reading
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Reviewed Qatar Airways
For my recent trip from Dubai to Hong Kong and back, I chose Qatar Airways as they had newly launched flights to this route via Doha. The news was given much Read more...
Intoxicated in China..by nature!
Reviewed Guilin
Continuing with my recent reviews on Hong Kong and Beijing (all posted on Moutshut itself in the relevant sections or can be viewed by visiting my blog, referRead more...
BEIJING - Beauty,pollution,ducks,cycles & sights!
Reviewed Beijing
This review on Beijing succeeds the previous review on Hong Kong, where I spent the first 4 days of my recent trip. It can be read at http://www.mouthshut.comRead more...
Asia's World City - Alive n kickin' ass!
Reviewed Hong Kong - General
Starting with Hong Kong, here is a brief account of my recent 13 day trip to Hong Kong, Beijing, Guilin, Yangshou and Macau. Check out all the pictures on my Read more...
Man Oh Man, I love OMAN !!
Reviewed Oman - General
My trip to Oman, the neighbouring country of the United Arab Emirates(UAE), where Im based, began early in the morning, because it was the day of Eid ARead more...
Reviewed The Cat
PROLOGUE Before you start reading this review, allow me to make a few points clear: This review is about knowing and caring for pet cats and does not deal wRead more...
Main, Meri keyboard Aur Mouthshut!
Reviewed Main Meri Patni Aur Woh
By nature, I always look out for something different in anything. Im not a fan of run-of-the-mill stuff in most spheres of life. The same goes for movieRead more...
A MUST visit site for travellers to India!
Reviewed Indiamike
I chanced by this very useful free site some time back while doing some research on Shimla/Chandigarh/Kasuali before embarking on my recent North India trip. Read more...
Online Indian Railway ticket booking at its best!
Reviewed IRCTC
As you click on this review, Im quite sure most of you are wondering, WHAT is this unheard website all about? For sure, the websites name is not self exRead more...
1st budget airline in the Middle East!
Reviewed Air Arabia
The fact that Air Arabia flew from Sharjah to Alexandria(Egypt) was one of the main catalyst for my wonderful holiday to Egypt in early 2005. To me, travellinRead more...
My Honda Civic coupe!
Reviewed Honda Civic
As a proud owner of this vehicle the past 6 months (Its the first car I have bought), I figured I owed it a review out here in MS. First of all, having a carRead more...
Food. Drinks. Surprises :-)
Reviewed Filling Station - Koramangala - Bangalore
My date with The Filling Station restaurant/bar came about unexpectedly. I was in Bangalore for a week recently, catching up on a whole lot of friends, and afRead more...
Chandigarh-The City *Y.A.W.N*
Reviewed Chandigarh
Having heard quite a bit about this place, I decided to spend a couple of days there and check it out myself recently. What I observed and experienced was notRead more...
WAVES over your body
Reviewed Wave - Sector 18 - Noida
So I go to watch Salaam Namaste with a girl friend of mine all the way from Delhi to Noida because she insists she wants to take me there. Oh well I say, IRead more...
It wont PERK you up, but you can MUNCH on it!
Reviewed Chocolate - Bollywood
On my recent trip to India, Chocolate was one of the few movies I watched. I do not intend to give you the storyline or details of the actors in the movie, beRead more...
And so to Cairo I went.. Part 2
Reviewed Egypt - General
CAIRO-PART 2(Incase you are looking for Cairo-Part 1, please go to Egypt-Cairo section)In Cairo, you are SAFE. It might sound odd, but every 10 metres of so, Read more...
And so to Cairo I went..
Reviewed Cairo
Dear Readers, The travelogue below describes in detail the 4 days I spent in one of the most historical places in this world, Egypt. Grab a cuppa tea or coffRead more...
And so to Alexandria I went..
Reviewed Alexandria
Dear Readers, The travelogue below describes in detail the 4 days I spent in one of the most historical places in this world, Egypt. My short trip covered AlRead more...
Dubai-Las Vegas of Arabia!
Reviewed Dubai
Ahlan wa sahlan and welcome to Dubai! A lot has been said about the place, in various websites, magazines and even Bollywood movies these days. Actors and ceRead more...
Succulent & mouth-watering
Reviewed Karim's - Preet Vihar - Delhi NCR
I had heard about Karims long long ago, but never got a chance to go there, though I have been to Delhi a couple of times the past few years. I guess it was bRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on real123's review
The currency in the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is one emirate, is called the Dirham (AED).
Commented on Rohan_rocks's review
since the movie was shot in my city, i thought of watching it too..though its a copy of Collateral.. by the way, i saw from the trailers that the cab used is not a Dubai cab but a Sharjah cab..and the locations shown are a mix of both Emirates I think.
Commented on ketantendulkar's review
Hats off.. I'm in the planning stages for a trip to the Andaman Islands..I've two questions which I hope you can throw some light on: 1) In early Sept, any clue as to how bad the rains will be? Will it totally make the holiday worthless? 2) Any info on permits for the Nicobar Islands (I'm Ind Read More...
Commented on own review
LoL.. If only I was beseiged like this by women in real life..aaahhh it would be bliss. May I add, UNMARRIED women :D ms, I never found any comment in here by you yaar! Honest! I mean how do you expect me to tweak with the comments here..hehe.. Thanks to both of you for always being there t Read More...
Actually Abha, I forgot I had posted in this review. Coz no comments came so far and I wasnt reminded of it..until yours came.. As always, thanks for reading and making an effort to comment! Yep, the cons were customized to make you not stop laffin:D Shaz
Commented on magicalsummer's review
For such reasons, I love Dubai. The same thing costs half the price here. And I've been using it for a long time. Both roll on and spray :P
Consider this done. Please inform me two weeks atlesat in advance, and please keep separate funds for the wanderer's daily expenses including taxes:P Shaz
Commented on cutnpaste's review
Enjoyed this, specially the first para which was funny. The rest I didnt read fully, coz I'm not interested in this bike, but surely, you have done a good job.
Rated on cutnpaste's review
Commented on atlantis1024's review
See its a budget airline first and foremost. Once you understand that fact clearly, then I feel that for the price you pay, you are entitled to a safe flight on time and with basic facilities. Anything else you expect more than that should just be a bonus. Shaz
HK Airport is very impressive. But I actually miss Hong Kong itself. What a place. Shaz
Rated on atlantis1024's review
Thanks..yes but actually, in this review i easily made it within the space constraints, which i wasnt able to do in my previous two travelogues:) Shaz
Commented on vijaypadiyar's review
Well written. I dont think you were advertising your blog in anyway, keep up the good work. Shaz
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
U neva responded to my comment. Now I'll have to mourn in isolation. Sniff.
That's nice man..didnt do Shanghai this time, as after Hong Kong, thought it would be repititive. God knows when I'll get to that part of the world again, but if it happens, I'll go to Shanghai for sure :) Shaz
Yep..did you notice my nick is also enigma;) I read your review on Beijing, but looks like you havent read mine! So please do, it has details of a 10km trek I did on the Great Wall.. By the way, check out my Hong Kong review as well in case you missed it :) Shaz
hehe its really nice to have you gobbling up my reviews almost as soon as they are put in here..yes, there is just a little left..Macau..and it will be on shortly:) Check out my new blog http://postcards-from-a-wanderer.blogspot.com ,I hope you like it too! Thanks!
Sathya Fide (@sathya_20MouthShut Verified Member)
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