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Member Since:Jun 04, 2006
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CNG: Regarding Insurance & RTO certification
Reviewed General Tips on CNG Kits
CNG: Regarding Insurance & RTO certification Edit  I spent close to Rs 7000 a month(64 km a day in bad traffic conditions) on petrol under the current pricesRead more...
Shameful and dangerous
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code
Thousands of people revere Jesus Christ as saviour, messiah, Lord, the first born of every creation, the one who is called wonderful, counsellor, mighty God aRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on gs_amith's review
Commented on ashu_don's review
Never Bank with MNC banks if possible. They dont know the local market nor do they know decent ways of dealing with informed customers. I have instances where my personal information (like phone number, Salary details) were passed on to merchants and other businesses. Most of their dealings are thro Read More...
Commented on rrmenon's review
what is the link between RTO certification and insurance premiums. does the premium go up because of risks from the CNG use? Why does one need RTO certiciation
Rated on rrmenon's review
Commented on ashok606's review
I spent close to Rs 7000 a month (64 km a day in bad traffic conditions) on petrol under the current prices and desparetly need an alternative. I enquired with several CNG dealers and the cost of conversion kit with 60L tank is approximately Rs 19500 (in Bangalore). I am fine with this but two quest Read More...
Commented on Ogba's review
You say Dan Brown has given us proofs - can you please share it with me? I havent come across any proofs. Brown himself says what he has is fictitious. Many of us dont have the time or interest to investigate what people call/present as the truth - we'd rather believe whatever is dished out to us ra Read More...
I agree with you that one has to read/view the book/movie before commenting. And agree that it wasnt a review but a emotional reaction to what one believes in. I just want to comment on key words you have used that make yourself what you are trying not to be. blasphemous - blashpemy is descript Read More...
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