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Member Since:Sep 18, 2004
0 MS Points
1 of 6 children. I have been blessed with great parents. My dad is now 80 yrs old, and mom won't say, but I think she is about 77. I love the arts. I am in the process of writing a novel - hope it gets published.
About Me
Education: Highschool
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Four Brothers is Rousing Ride!
Reviewed Four Brothers
Although it tries to be too many things all at the same time, Four Brothers succeed. It succeeds mainly because of the actors, Mark Wahlberg, who plays Bobby Read more...
Hustle & Flow - Worth the price of a ticket
Reviewed Hustle and Flow
Hustle & Flow is a tightly woven tale of a broken down Memphis pimp, DJay, played by Terrence Dashon Howard. (Who can also be seen in Four Brothers, also in tRead more...
Beauty Shop needs a good trim
Reviewed Beauty Shop
Beauty Shop is not the worst movie I have seen, but it is in no way the best. The movie, though pleasant, is plagued by improper pacing. The first 25 minutes Read more...
Guess Who?...Does it matter?
Reviewed Guess Who
Guess who, loosely based on the 1967 movie, Guess Whos Coming to dinner, provides a pleasant diversion for a mid-morning romp. While this movie, with scrRead more...
The Interpreter loses a little in translation
Reviewed The Interpreter
Sitting in the theater, nearly 20 minutes into viewing The Interpreter, I began to wonder if the extended length lately of all the commercials and trailers, wRead more...
Diary of a Mad Black Woman is an audience pleaser
Reviewed Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Diary of a Mad Black Woman, is the film version of Tyler Perrys stage play of the same name. Tyler is an unconventional playwright, whose works are very Read more...
Ray shines a brilliant light on an artists' soul
Reviewed Ray
There is no greater joy than watching an artist in performance of his art, whether he is a painter, a writer, or as in this case an actor. Jamie Foxxs pRead more...
Stay Away From Sharp Objects - including Blade 2
Reviewed Blade 2
Hopefully, when you view this movie you won?t be near any sharp objects, lest you be tempted to slit your wrists. When I first heard they were making a sequeRead more...
The Matrix Reloaded is a load
Reviewed Matrix Reloaded
I have to confess – While I didn’t get to see about 15 minutes of the film, as I fell asleep somewhere around the time that Jada Pinkett-SmithRRead more...
The LadyKillers should have died at Conception
Reviewed Lady Killers
Can someone please tell me what was the point of this movie? This movie is so painfully unfunny; I would undertake a full day of dental work without Novocain,Read more...
John Q - A soap opera rooted in reality
Reviewed John Q
It came and went in the theaters without notice. Mainly because it followed on the heels of Denzel’s Academy Award winning performance in Training Day. Read more...
New York, New York (Start spreading the news)
Reviewed General Thoughts on New York City
I lived in New York for most of my life (37 year) - The thought of living anywhere else, away from loved ones and friends, was a frightening prospect. One alwRead more...
Alero - It's not your father's Oldsmobile
Reviewed Twenty Best Cars
Unfortunately, the Oldsmobile Alero wasn?t very successful in competing with the Honda Accord, Toyota Solara, or the Dodge Stratus - All vehicles in its priceRead more...
Collateral is consistent
Reviewed Collateral
With his previous movies - Born on the Fourth of July ( 1989), Far and Away ( 1992), Eyes Wide Shut (1999) and Vanilla Sky ( 2001), he played against type, anRead more...
Godsend is Far From Heavenly
Reviewed Godsend
There were once 4 actors whose movies I would attend without consulting word of mouth or critical review: Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington, and RoRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on artsed's review
Rated on coolnawab's review
Rated on ngh23's review
Rated on redhowell's review
Commented on own review
I often write my thoughts about a film in Word, save it and post it later...I just happen to be on vacation this week with nothing to do, and decided to look through my files and share with Mouthshut what I had.
Commented on psmukund's review
I kept passing this up in the video store. Jim Carey is one of those actors, who when not directed properly can get on your nerves. Glad to hear this is one of his better roles....I will be renting it very soon. Greg
Rated on psmukund's review
Rated on eagle_eye's review
Commented on abababbey's review
Is that why my mom's cooking always taste best - No matter who uses her recipe?? (smile) Greg
Rated on abababbey's review
Rated on meleahk1's review
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