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Member Since:Oct 11, 2013
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Review of the Day (1)
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Avoid online booking of bus ticket
Reviewed Redbus
First of all to prove it a true review - here is my rebus complaint number - 10439775. (The term seat in the below review refers to sleeper birth). Let me tRead more...
Drove it for 3.5 years , 40000Km
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
I have drove my Apache RTR 160 for 40000Km, still using it. If I have to describe it in single word, I would say its a work-horse. I am now 27 years old, IT eRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on auro1990's review
Commented on own review
@mathiyazhagan- actually its not that tough to get this millage with 160cc rtr eng.. I always use Indian oil xtra premium petrol, maintain right pressure in tyres (i get them checked every week) and ride at sharp 50kmph...try it mate..you will get that too note- Tyre type and correct pressure in th Read More...
(Updated Apr 16, 2014)
Used car deals can save you a hell load of money if tackled carefully. Here is the list of the things you should consider and be careful while buying a second hand /used car. Being an automobile enthusiastic I thought I will put my two cent words to help someone to not to get cheated and make a righ Read more...
@prasu.sreeju - thanks mate... it has got a heavy handle with low center of gravity so it kind of sticks on the road (when used with better tyres).. I did not find it that difficult to maneuver on road..but yes it feels a bit heavy and it takes some time getting use to it.
@maaz_nawaz and anshumanmaini -- thankyou So much guys
@sayforever0001- Zappers are excellent , those are the ones I have put in my apache..they work like wonder.. :) openchain thing is trouble some when you live in a very dusty environment (like I Do in pune).. if thats not the case then you don't need to worry about it at all.. and closed chain has i Read More...
Ashish, now this depends on what are you looking into a bike as i said above..its a work horse..excellent Millage, decent looks, appears powerful..very durable parts with no maintenance at all.. if this is what you are looking for go for it I Have never owned a fzs so i cannot comment on it..let m Read More...
Commented on nsk668682's review
does this noise comes only if you ride it above 50 or so?
Rated on gcsv1992's review
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